P. 84

ENGLISH                                                                                      3  STEP

        7.   Not  much  is  known  about  the  side  effects  of  the  new   10.  _______, the idea of converting the movement created by
            medicine _______.                                      water into electrical energy has not yet been encountered
                                                                   in our country due to their short duration and not being
            A)  while the academicians were making a presentation about
                                                                   strong enough.
               innovations in medicine
            B)  inasmuch as you can call local services for counselling for   A)  While  the Moon’s becoming especially full moon increases
               mental health issues                                   the gravity
            C)  as the experimental studies on it haven’t been completed   B)  Although there are tides in the seas on the coast of our
               yet                                                    country
            D)  since the drug companies released it on the domestic   C)  Because sea or ocean tides occur most often in the Bay of
               market                                                 Fundy in Canada
            E)  so that the laboratories could be improved with the help of   D)  Much as there are no visible tides in Türkiye as the coasts
               drug companies                                         are composed of inland seas
                                                                   E)  Since the tides prevent the deltas from getting stronger

        8.   _______,  depletion  of  natural  resources  could  happen   11.  Today, the life expectancy of humans is approximately 71
                                                                   years, which sounds quite long, _______.
            quickly,  leading  to  big  environmental  issues,  such  as
            global warming, deforestation, and biodiversity loss.
                                                                   A)  given that the Covid-19 pandemic was a more significant
                                                                      turning point
            A)  Since the world’s human population is growing at an
               exponential rate                                    B)  on the other hand, mortality has declined since the 19
            B)  Unless population growth results in increased greenhouse
               gases                                               C)  but there are many living creatures that can live much
            C)  If population growth is not evenly distributed across the
               globe                                               D)  hence the truth is that women have always lived longer
                                                                      than men
            D)  As long as we take action to help minimise further
               population growth                                   E)  as most of the people are working under poor conditions
                                                                      across the world
            E)  Although the population is expected to grow by about 3.1
               billion people by 2100

        9.   _______, it became a new resource for scientists at the   12.  Birds  have  a  diverse  vocal  repertoire  that  they  use  to
            stage of the formation of the cell concept, and modern cell   communicate with one another, _______.
            theory was developed by using it.
                                                                   A)  whereas they are used by birds to adapt to the varying risk
            A)  When the first light microscope was discovered by Robert   of predation by other species
               Hooke in 1665                                       B)  only if they expand more slowly, either to avoid oxidative
            B)  As technological advances allowed us more detailed    stress from high temperatures or to maximise heat
               observations about cells                               dissipation from their tiny bodies
            C)  While some multicellular organisms used to have cells   C)  on the other hand, calls, other noises, and bodily sensations
               specialised to perform different functions             are examples of these stimuli
            D)  Since the laboratory environment was a must to examine   D)  yet ecologists are more interested in the cries they produce
               cells in previous years                                when they appear to be alone
            E)  Although the use of microscopes was a key step in the   E)  although it is done in the presence of eggs, particularly
               study of cellular and smaller structures               those that are about to hatch

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