P. 83

ENGLISH                                             3 RD
                                               Sentence Completion-1

                                                                 2019 YDT
           Verilen cümleyi uygun şekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.  4.   Because of increased migration, geographical proximity,
                                                                   and/or political conquest and colonisation, _______.

          2018 YDT                                                 A)  bilingualism is often defined as proficiency in both
        1.   Despite being the best thing he had written up to that time,   languages
            when  Sir  Arthur  Conan  Doyle  wrote  the  first  Sherlock
                                                                   B)  in many countries, monolingualism represents the natural
            Holmes story, _______.
                                                                      or norm of language development
            A)  it soon became a best-seller                       C)  multilingual  education  programs  aim  for  proficiency  in
            B)  much was known about the main character               more than two languages

            C)  he immediately earned a great amount of money      D)  bilingual education is the instruction that uses two
                                                                      languages as the media of instruction
            D)  the plot of the story was loved by the public
                                                                   E)  few countries today can claim monolingualism as the norm
            E)  very few publishers were interested

          2018 YDT
        2.   Many lakes in the world seem to be warming, shrinking   5.   _______, they generally use the term ‘modern art’ in order
            and even disappearing ______.                          to refer to the art of the twentieth century in the Americas
                                                                   and Europe.
            A)  despite the ever-rising water extraction and climate change
               in some regions                                     A)  Although there are great differences between European
                                                                      art and Asian art
            B)  rather than having their water withdrawn to irrigate
               surrounding agricultural fields                     B)  Now that a great number of art movements have been
                                                                      created through the ages
            C)  in terms of their vulnerability to becoming shallow and
               having skyrocketing salt levels                     C)  Much as scholars disagree about exactly when the modern
                                                                      period began
            D)  in contrast with groundwater salinisation, making the land
                                                                   D)  Since some artists have begun to question academic art
               less appropriate for agriculture
                                                                      thinking it lacks freedom
            E)  as a consequence of unsustainable water use and climate
                                                                   E)  Seeing as modernism is an artistic movement which
                                                                      involves experimentation and innovation

          2018 YDT
        3.   As well as getting rid of waste chemicals, _______.  6.   The ‘Roaring Twenties’, which was actually a period from
                                                                   about 1923 to late 1929, is a prominent era _______.
            A)  the urinary system includes two kidneys and various tubes
                                                                   A)  as a consequence of the explosion of the consumer
               for carrying urine
                                                                      economy, consumer goods were available everywhere with
            B)  the urinary system helps us maintain a healthy level of   the advent of mass production and widespread electrification
               water in the body
                                                                   B)  because the concepts of large government, consumerism,
            C)  urine has a yellow colour because of waste chemicals   and individualism that define the American society today
               produced in the body                                   were developed then
                                                                   C)  after business influenced political decisions and the
            D)  urine can be studied by doctors while diagnosing certain
                                                                      government took increasing control over the economy, as
                                                                      well as increasing control over society in general
            E)  the urinary system is known as an internal cleaning service
                                                                   D)  hence, it set the economic stage for the Great Depression
               as it removes toxic wastes                             and the government’s takeover of the economy, and
                                                                      ultimately, the society
                                                                   E)  when the economy could no longer absorb the inflation and
                                                                      expansion, the government had to resign

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