P. 78
An analysis of fifty engraved stones (11) _______ in France In Sao Paulo, Brazil, a salon owner and hairdresser etches
indicates that when the stones were put near a fire, the flickering iconic portraits (16) _______ his clients’ heads. He claims that
light gave the impression that the carved animals were moving. his work makes him really pleased, particularly when he inspires
These stones, or ‘plaquettes’, featuring engravings of horses, young people to learn his hair art; just like some famous football
ibex, and deer, (12) _______ in the 1860s in a rock shelter players, whose faces he frequently engraves, (17) _______ kids
known as Montastruc. Magdalenian people, hunter-gatherers to take up soccer. When it comes to cutting famous faces, the
who resided in the region between 23,000 and 14,000 years barber begins with a standard hair clipper and cuts the image
ago, used the site. The researchers evaluated heat damage on freehand, without a stencil. He accomplishes this by merely
the stones, which was (13) _______ of their long exposure to looking at an image on a piece of paper or his smartphone.
high temperatures, and generated three-dimensional models of (18) _______ the main outline is in place, then he meticulously
the plaquettes. These models were uploaded into some virtual uses a razor to carve in the finer details. Colour can also be
reality software and put next to a virtual fire (14) _______ the added if (19) _______ by the client. The portraits of some hip-
heat-damaged parts were closest to the flames, simulating hop musicians and a duplicate of Leonardo da Vinci’s The Last
how the stones may have been positioned in reality. The Supper are among the images he (20) _______ so far.
researchers then evaluated the effects of the virtual reality light
(15) _______ the eyes. It was fascinating to see how lively
the artwork was and how placing it close to a fire altered our
perception of the artwork.
11. 16.
A) unearthed A) over
B) having unearthed B) onto
C) unearthing C) between
D) to have unearthed D) among
E) to be unearthed E) within
12. 17.
A) have been discovered A) associate
B) were discovered B) compensate
C) discovered C) encompass
D) have discovered D) undermine
E) had been discovered E) stimulate
13. 18.
A) indicative A) Once
B) auspicious B) Unless
C) legislative C) Whether
D) significant D) Until
E) reasonable E) Whereas
14. 19.
A) even if A) requested
B) since B) having requested
C) so that C) to request
D) unless D) being requested
E) much as E) requesting
15. 20.
A) to A) created
B) with B) will create
C) at C) is creating
D) for D) has created
E) on E) had created