P. 73

ENGLISH                                              1
                                                      Cloze Test-3

                                                                  A four-year-old (6) _______, specialised in the analysis of brain
           Verilen parçalarda numaralandırılmış yerlere uygun düşen   activity data, has developed a brain-monitoring helmet that will
           sözcük veya ifadeyi bulunuz.                           be tested in space by astronauts in the upcoming months. The

                                                                  company plans  (7) _______ it during the voyage of a shuttle
           Zorb football is a team sport where players are enclosed in
                                                                  to the International Space Station.  (8) _______ the helmet is
           a transparent inflated bubble called a zorb,  (1) _______ the
                                                                  equipped with 460 airbrushes connected to the scalp, it can
           entire upper body from the waist up including the head. Zorb
                                                                  capture data from the brain like an EEG, which is a medical
           football was firstly played in Norway and has (2) _______ in the
                                                                  testing method used to detect and record electrical activity in
           UK, USA, and New Zealand since then. It is a physical and fun
                                                                  the brain. Scientists (9) _______ the astronauts’ brain activities
           game played both recreationally and competitively. The sport
                                                                  while they do a series of tasks in the space shuttle for the next
           is typically played in teams indoors or outdoors. The field used
                                                                  20 minutes. According to the CEO of this forward-thinking
           is similar in size  (3) _______ that of an indoor soccer field.
                                                                  business, their purpose is to facilitate access to the human mind.
           There are goal areas at both ends, and the aim is to score as
                                                                  Scientists hope to improve the language of the brain and enable
           many goals as possible. In Zorb football, players are allowed to
                                                                  physicians, researchers, and even app developers to use it to
           bump into and knock over other players, (4) _______ whether
                                                                  develop products and services based (10) _______ the brain.
           they have the ball or not. Players get pushed down all time.
           (5) _______ the players are fully protected, there is no risk of   6.
           injury. The game offers a fun-filled thrill ride from start to finish
                                                                  A) issue
           and is often played among friends on team building days, stag
                                                                  B) firm
           parties, and birthdays.
                                                                  C) asset
        1.                                                        D) output
                                                                  E) trial
           A) covering                 B) covered
           C) to cover                 D) having been covered
                          E) having covered                    7.
                                                                  A) accomplish
                                                                  B) to have accomplished
        2.                                                        C) accomplishing
                                                                  D) having accomplished
           A) given off                B) caught on
                                                                  E) to accomplish
           C) fallen apart             D) worked out
                          E) taken up
                                                                  A) Because
        3.                                                        B) Whereas
                                                                  C) Hence
           A) of                       B) for
                                                                  D) Although
           C) over                     D) to
                                                                  E) Even if
                         E) with
        4.                                                        A) have monitored
                                                                  B) had monitored
           A) due to                   B) in terms of
                                                                  C) were monitored
           C) regardless of            D) despite
                                                                  D) are going to monitor
                          E) rather than
                                                                  E) were monitoring

        5.                                                     10.
           A) Though                   B) Even if                 A) over                      B) in
           C) Unless                   D) In case                 C) on                        D) of
                         E) Since                                               E) above

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