P. 70

ENGLISH                                                                                     2  STEP

           Workplace bullying is a type of bullying that occurs when one   Bodrum Castle (16) _______ on the remains of old Byzantine
           person or a group of people (11) _______ inflicts pain or harm   and Turkish Castle by the Knights of Saint-Jean in the name
           on another person in the workplace. Because the effects of   (17) _______ St. Peter between 1406-1522. It is one of the
           workplace bullying are vast and far-reaching, it (12) _______   strongest  and  most  important  original  castles  in  the  Eastern
           the targeted person’s health, career, and even home life.    Mediterranean. In the construction and fortification of the
                                                                  castle, architectural blocks (18) _______ to the Maussolleion
           (13) _______ a large number of bosses are bullies, many
                                                                  Tomb Monument, one of the seven wonders of the world, and
           bullied employees suffer in silence. Workplace bullying can
                                                                  blocks  found  at  various  points  in  the  ancient  city  were  used
           include such tactics as verbal bullying, physical bullying,
                                                                  extensively. The castle (19) _______ the hands of the Turks
           relational aggression, cyberbullying, and prejudicial bullying.
                                                                  in 1523 after the conquest of Rhodes. It was converted into
           However, in contrast with school bullying, workplace bullies
                                                                  a prison in 1895. Reflecting the monumental art, architecture,
           may form cliques and operate  (14) _______ the established
                                                                  and technical characteristics of fifteenth-century Europe, the
           rules and policies of their organisation in both overt and covert
                                                                  castle also includes structures built during the Ottoman Period.
           ways.  Regardless  of  the  tactics  used,  workplace  bullies  are   Bodrum Castle, (20) _______ is an important artefact with its
           usually skilled social manipulators (15) _______ get ahead at   multi-layered historical  structure, has been  on the UNESCO
           work by bullying others.                               World Heritage Tentative List since 2016.
        11.                                                    16.
           A) reluctantly                                         A) had been built
           B) accidentally                                        B) has been built
           C) intentionally                                       C) would be built
           D) comprehensively                                     D) was built
           E) routinely                                           E) was going to be built

        12.                                                    17.
           A) could threaten                                      A) on
           B) could have threatened                               B) of
           C) must be threatening                                 C) for
           D) should have threatened                              D) against
           E) used to threaten                                    E) from

        13.                                                    18.
           A) Since                                               A) belonging
           B) Suppose that                                        B) to belong
           C) Unless                                              C) belonged
           D) Even if                                             D) having been belonged
           E) Although                                            E) being belonged

        14.                                                    19.
           A) on                                                  A) gave into
           B) from                                                B) took out
           C) at                                                  C) made up
           D) over                                                D) counted on
           E) within                                              E) passed into

        15.                                                    20.
           A) which                                               A) who
           B) whose                                               B) whom
           C) who                                                 C) which
           D) with whom                                           D) where
           E) by which                                            E) why

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