P. 67

ENGLISH                                              1
                                                      Cloze Test-2

                                                                  Empathy can be defined as the ability to emotionally understand
           Verilen parçalarda numaralandırılmış yerlere uygun düşen   what other people feel and desire, see things from their point of
           sözcük veya ifadeyi bulunuz.                           view, and imagine yourself (6) _______ their situation. Basically,

                                                                  it is putting yourself in someone else’s position without trying
           According to geologists, the Thwaites Glacier in Antarctica,   to understand what  they must be feeling. The  ability to feel
           often known  (1) _______ the doomsday glacier, is at risk of   empathy allows people to spend time trying to consider others’
           collapse. The glacier is the size of Florida, and it (2) _______   (7) _______, experiences, or motivations before making a
           to 4 per cent of the global sea level rise each year. Scientists   judgement about them. (8) _______, being empathetic makes
           are now predicting that a section of the glacier towards the   you highly functional in society through conducting you into
           front (3) _______ over the next five to ten years. Maybe this   strong and meaningful connections in all important parts of
           (4) _______ scenario will not occur for millennia, but when it   life. Being able (9) _______ and understand others’ emotions
                                                                  can make you successful in your social life as well as in your
           does,  the  consequences  will  be  disastrous.  (5)  _______  the
                                                                  career. So, the question is: why don’t we all practice trying to
           glacier completely melts, the sea level will rise by around 60
                                                                  be more empathetic (10) _______ sympathetic all the time?
           cm throughout the world.

        1.                                                     6.
           A) out   B) as     C) of     D) in      E) from        A) on    B) about     C) with    D) in      E) of

        2.                                                     7.
           A) sinks                    B) complies                A) perspectives           B) negotiations
           C) eradicates               D) adds                    C) reconciliaitions       D) functionalities
                         E) hinders                                             E) debates

        3.                                                     8.
           A) must collapse                                       A) On the contrary             B) In addition
           B) should collapse                                     C) Instead                D) However
           C) have to collapse                                                  E) Conversely
           D) need to collapse
           E) may collapse

        4.                                                     9.
           A) apocalyptic              B) sustainable             A) perceiving
           C) beneficial               D) admirable               B) to be perceived
                         E) constructive                          C) to perceive
                                                                  D) being perceived
                                                                  E) to have perceived

        5.                                                     10.
           A) Whereas                  B) If                      A) more than                 B) as well as
           C) Unless                   D) However                 C) similar to             D) yet
                         E) Although                                             E) rather than

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