P. 68
A cryptocurrency is a form of payment that (11) _______ In ancient times, long before sunscreen was invented, people used
online for goods and services. Numerous companies have plants (16) _______ protect themselves from the harmful rays of
created their own currencies, also referred to as tokens, which the Sun. For example, the Ancient Egyptians rubbed the extracts
may be traded (12) _______ for the goods or services offered of rice, jasmine, and lupine plants on their skin for this purpose.
by the business. Cryptocurrencies work using blockchain The ancient Greeks used olive oil, (17) _______ the Indians used
technology, which is a shared, unchangeable ledger to record sunflower oil. It was necessary to wait for the 20 century for
transactions, track assets, and establish trust. It does not have sunscreen in today’s sense. Different names (18) _______ in the
a centre, and it is spread (13) _______ many computers that sources as the inventor of sunscreen. One of them is the Australian
manage and record transactions. To buy cryptocurrencies, chemist H. A. Milton Blake. He produced 500 tubes of sunburn
(14) _______ you need to do is exchange real currency for cream in 1932, thanks to financial support from his friends and
the cryptocurrency. (15) _______, you need a ‘wallet,’ an family. It was one of the first sunscreens (19) _______ for sale. In
online app that can hold your currency. In general, you open the 1980s, after years of different scientific research, the first UVA
an account on a cryptocurrency exchange and then use real and UVB sunscreens, which are still used today, were developed.
money to purchase cryptocurrencies. These creams containing zinc and titanium are (20) _______ more
effective in protecting the skin than the previous ones.
11. 16.
A) can be exchanged A) because of
B) has exchanged B) in order to
C) will exchange C) regardless of
D) was exchanged D) in contrast to
E) must be exchanged E) lest
12. 17.
A) generously A) while
B) surely B) since
C) slightly C) for
D) urgently D) as opposed to
E) specifically E) unlike
13. 18.
A) above B) across A) come apart B) look up
C) upon D) by C) let in D) break up
E) from E) stand out
14. 19.
A) not only B) each A) accurate B) relevant
C) all D) both C) negligible D) available
E) every E) severe
15. 20.
A) Therefore A) much B) less
B) However C) enough D) a few
C) Rather than E) as much
D) Whereas
E) Since