P. 71
Cloze Test-2
Alzheimer’s disease is the most common type of dementia
Verilen parçalarda numaralandırılmış yerlere uygun düşen (6) _______ causes a continuous decline in thinking and
sözcük veya ifadeyi bulunuz. memory. The most common symptoms include a gradual loss of
memory, problems with reasoning or judgment, disorientation,
2019 YDT
learning difficulties, loss of language skills, etc. (7) _______
Global warming will bring significant changes to the world as a the deterioration of thinking, in Alzheimer’s, there can also be
whole, but the particular types and scales of these impacts will be behavioural changes such as aggression and the inability to find
(1) _______ affected by local conditions. Climate change will not their way even in familiar surroundings. The cumulative effect
just have general global effects, but (2) _______ time it will create of these changes becomes distressing both (8) _______ the
specific impacts within your very own neighbourhood. Because
individual and their families. According to statistics, as many
the changes people will face vary from place to place, local as 2—4 per cent of the global population aged 65 and older
governments will be best equipped to address these problems
have Alzheimer’s. It should be stressed that regardless of
as one-size-fits-all solutions (3) _______. National governments social, economic, ethnic, or geographical boundaries, those
that signed and ratified the UN Framework Convention on Climate
(9) _______ by Alzheimer’s are unable to care for themselves
Change agreed to undertake adaptation planning. Several and need help with all aspects of daily life. The magnitude of
countries, (4) _______ the Dominican Republic, Cuba, and others
this disease is so great that it is estimated more than 25 million
in the Caribbean, are also undertaking regional planning. But
fundamentally, (5) _______ climate change is happening globally, people (10) _______ Alzheimer’s worldwide.
people need to react locally.
1. 6.
A) profoundly B) unintentionally A) where B) which
C) lightly D) cautiously C) whom D) when
E) occassionally E) who
2. 7.
A) over B) at A) Despite B) Contrary to
C) for D) during C) Besides D) Rather than
E) before E) In case of
3. 8.
A) were not working A) for B) at
B) will not work C) to D) between
C) should not have worked E) from
D) had not worked
E) will not have worked
4. 9.
A) in case of B) such as A) affect B) to affect
C) with regards to D) in terms of C) affecting D) to have affected
E) as a result of E) affected
5. 10.
A) although B) in case A) get along B) suffer from
C) until D) since C) bring about D) account for
E) as soon as E) rest on