P. 52

FUNCTIONS:                                                English  11
                                •  Reporting news
                                                                                                Sports 24
                                •  Making interview                                           Theme 8
                                •  Talking about sports
         1.  Listen to the dialog between two friends and write the sports they are interested in.
                Tapescript 8.3.1
              1    Pierre is interested in   ...................................... .
              2    Kathy is interested in  ....................................... .

         2.  Listen to the dialog again and decide if the sentences are correct (√) or false (X). Correct the false ones.
             1   Pierre said that only a healthy mind could realize God.
             2   Kathy does her sport two times a week.
             3   Kathy reminded him of an old saying that health is wealth.
             4   They both accept the importance of sports for a healthy life.

         3.  Prepare a short news report about the headlines below. Record your voice and send it to your friend.
              a    Gymnast loses balance and falls in the final.
              b    The runners show great stamina in the marathon.
              c    Impressive show of strength in the weightlifting final!

         4.  Steve is throwing a birthday party next Saturday. His friend Rosa wants to know more about it
             and asks him some questions. Report Rosa’s questions.

                   How many people                                        Who is going
                    have you invited?                                       to cook?

                   What time will the
                     party begin?                                           What sort of music
                                                                              will you play?

             1   Rosa asked Steve
             2   She wanted to know
             3   Rosa asked him
             4   Rosa wanted to know

          5.  Report the sentences without any change in the meaning as in the example.
              Example:   “I will graduate from university two years later.”
                                   He told me he would graduate from university two years later.

               1   “Have you eaten anything today?”  She asked ....................................................................... .
               2   “Dolphins are very intelligent animals.”  Our teacher said that ...................................................... .

               3   “Your brother is fixing the car now.”  Dad told me that ............................................................. .
               4   this weekend?                   Mom asked her children  ................................................ .

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