Page 16 - Matematik 12 | Çalışma Defteri -3
P. 16


                    EŞLEŞTİRME                  BOŞLUK DOLDURMA                      ÇOKTAN SEÇMELİ

               1.  İ       6.  C             1.  El Battani  6.  (0,6)              1.  C       4.  E

               2.  F       7.  I             2.  52,5°       7.  (2,-6)             2.  B       5.  D

               3.  H      8.  B              3.  300°        8.  Simetri            3.  A       6.  C

               4.  A       9.  D             4.  (1,2)       9.  (5,5)

               5.  G      10. E              5.  15°         10. -3x+4y-34=0

                             AÇIK UÇLU - I                                    BECERİ TEMELLİ

                a.  Ç={ α | α =72°⋅k veya α =240°+360°⋅k, k∈ℤ}  1.  a)   A'(2,1)      2.  a)   B'(8,2)

                b.  Ç={ α | α =180°⋅k veya α =45°⋅k, k∈ℤ}          b)                    b)

                 c.  Ç={ α | α =120°+360°⋅k veya α =360°⋅k, k∈ℤ}

                             AÇIK UÇLU - II
                                                                                      3.  a)  C'(4,1)
                1. Hamle sonrası:100
                                                                                          b)  4
                2.Hamle sonrası:175 (100+75)
                                                            6.12.2021 12:54                    Math Squares Puzzle | Discovery Education Puzzlemaker
                3.Hamle sonrası:75 (175-100)
                                                                                                Puzzlemaker is a puzzle generation tool for teachers, students and parents. Create
                                                                                                and print customized word search, criss-cross, math puzzles, and more-using your
                                                                                                own word lists.
                             BİL-BUL-ÇÖZ                       matematik kareleri
                                                                          MATEMATİK KARELERİ

                                                                             6.12.2021 12:56                      Math Squares Puzzle | Discovery Education Puzzlemaker

                                                                                                                  Puzzlemaker is a puzzle generation tool for teachers, students and parents. Create
                                                                                                                  and print customized word search, criss-cross, math puzzles, and more-using your
                                                                                                                  own word lists.
                                                                                 matematik kareleri

                                                               Fill in the missing numbers
                                                               The missing values are the whole numbers between 1 and 16.
                                                               Each number is only used once.
                                                               Each row is a math equation.
                                                               Each column is a math equation.
                                                               Remember that multiplication and division are performed before addition and subtraction.

              Anahtar Kelime: ELBATTANİ
                                                                                      Copyright © 2021 Discovery Education. All rights reserved.
                                                                                 Fill in the missing numbers
                                                                                 The missing values are the whole numbers between 1 and 16.
                                              ORTAÖĞRETİM    16 MATEMATİK-12
                                         GENEL MÜDÜRLÜĞÜ                         Each number is only used once.
                                                                                 Each row is a math equation.
                                                                                 Each column is a math equation.
                                                                                 Remember that multiplication and division are performed before addition and subtraction.

                                                                                                        Copyright © 2021 Discovery Education. All rights reserved.


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