Page 12 - English 10 | Activity Book 5
P. 12

Reading Activity

                1 D Questionnaire about a 24-Hour Train Travel

                    •   Now, read the sentences below. Circle the numbers that best express your opinions.
                    •   Then, compare your answers with your classmates.

                                            I disagree    I mostly     I’m not sure  I mostly      I agree
                                            completely    disagree                   agree         completely

          A 24-hour train travelling is fun.    1             2            3             4            5

          Travelling by train is dangerous.     1             2            3             4            5

          Travelling by train is cheap.         1             2            3             4            5

          Travelling alone is better than       1             2            3             4            5
          making friends during the journey.

          Watching the wonderful scenes from    1             2            3             4            5
          the train is charming.

          It is priceless to have a train trip in   1         2            3             4            5

          The 24-hour train travel develops
          friendships and makes passengers      1             2            3             4            5
          feel at home.

          Travelling is a great way to make     1             2            3             4            5
          new friends.

          While railing on the train, it is a great
          time to disconnect from an everyday   1             2            3             4            5
          life and get some peace and spend
          some time for yourself.

                                            ORTAÖĞRETİM     12 ENGLISH-10
                                        GENEL MÜDÜRLÜĞÜ
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