Page 8 - English 10 | Activity Book 5
P. 8

Multiple Choice

             Choose the correct option to fill in the blanks for   Choose the correct option to complete the dialogue.
            questions 1-4.

        1.   Receptionist : - - - - ?
            Andrew : Double room, please.

             A)  What type of room would you like?
             B)  How much does a double room cost?
             C)  What are the most popular tourist attractions
                here?                                          5.
             D)  How long are you planning to stay?                Albert: I haven't seen Anna for a few months. Have
             E)  Would you like a sea view room or a mountain      you heard about her lately?
                view room?                                         Alice: Yes, I have. She went to Cunda on a business
                                                                   trip for 2 weeks.
        2.  Seda and her friend went to the cinema yesterday,      Albert: Oh, great! Why don’t we meet 2 weeks later
                                                                   when she comes?
             A)  isn’t she?                                        Alice: Unfortunately, we cannot see her for a
             B)  wasn't she?                                       long time because as soon as Anna arrives, she
             C)  didn’t they?                                      is going to go to London for a holiday with her
             D)  did she?                                          family. She can’t stay here too long.
             E)  did they?                                         Albert: I see, she ---- this year.
                                                                    A)  recommends travelling by train
        3.  I love trying different kinds of food from all around   B)  has the itchy feet
            the world, but Italian - - - - is my favourite.
                                                                    C)  travels light
            A) facility                                             D)  hits the road
            B) cuisine                                              E)  stays in an all-inclusive hotel there
            C) accommodation
            D) lounge
            E) transportation                                  6.  Which of the following is closest in meaning to
                                                                   the proverb given below?
                                                                   "Travel broadens the mind."

                                                                    A)  The more you go to different places, the less you
                                                                       refresh your mind.
                                                                    B)  If you travel a lot to a variety of places, you forget
                                                                       about everything.
                                                                    C)  Travelling is a very good chance for people to
                                                                       have a lot of pleasure.
        4.  Many people will probably want to ---- when they
            see a ‘landmark’.                                       D)  Travelling gives you an opportunity to find out
                                                                       about new experiences.
             A)  travel by air                                      E)  When you travel all around the world, you always
             B)  eat something                                         go to different places.
             C)  take a photo
             D)  buy a ticket
             E)  get on a train

                                            ORTAÖĞRETİM     8 ENGLISH-10
                                        GENEL MÜDÜRLÜĞÜ
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