Page 9 - English 10 | Activity Book 5
P. 9

Multiple Choice

         7.  Choose the correct option to complete the          9.  Where has Julia stayed and which food has she
            statement according to the paragraph.                  tried in Barcelona?
             Some people think it’s a good idea to travel on holiday,   A)  She has stayed in a B&B hotel, and she has tried
             but other people think it’s better to stay at home. I believe   Paella.
             that it’s better to travel. Of course, I have some reasons.   B)  She has stayed in a four-star hotel, and she has
             First of all, you can’t learn many things when you just stay
             at home. For example, last year I flew to Spain on holiday,   tried Paella.
             and I saw new places and learned many things about     C)  She  has stayed  in  a  youth  hostel,  and  she  has
             Spanish culture. Secondly, you might not make many new    tried saffron rice.
             friends  and try  new dishes  if you stay  at home all  the   D)  She has stayed in a trailer, and she has tried
             time. However, you will probably meet lots of new people
             when you travel. Last year, for instance, I made three    Barcelona breakfast.
             new friends and also loved Spanish cuisine while I was in   E)  She has stayed in a B&B hotel, and she has tried
             Spain. Finally, when you stay at home on holiday, you will   British breakfast&tea.
             probably feel very bored.  It’s just not fun! Shortly, travel
             is exciting because you will have new experiences! You
             never know what you will see, eat or who you will meet.   10.  Which of the following can be said according to the
                                                                   given situation?
             We can not get information about _____________ while
             travelling on holiday.
             A)  new friends
             B)  new dishes
             C)  new experiences
             D)  new culture
             E)  new currency

         8.  Answer the 8th and 9th questions according to the
            chart below.

             Which question does not have an answer in the chart
             below?                                                You  have  planned  a  glamping  vacation  with  your
                                                                   friends at a campsite and called the contact person to
                              Julia        Peter                   make a reservation at your favourite camp area in July.
                                                                   You say:
              Transportation  By ship      By train
              Accommodation B&B hotel      Youth hostel
              Destination     Barcelona    London                   A)  Could you please book a 4-person caravan at this

                              The Sagra da  The British                campsite on July?
                              Familia      Museum                   B)  Can I make a reservation at a five-star hotel for
                              Paella       British                     you?
                              (saffron rice) breakfast&tea          C)  Could you call me to make a reservation, please?
                                                                    D)  Can you help me to find a suitable hotel in July?
                                                                    E)  Could you reserve a caravan for four people at
             A)  How does Julia prefer going to Spain?                 the campsite in May, please?
             B)  How long has Peter stayed in a youth hostel in
             C)  Where does Peter visit in London?
             D)  What has Julia tried in Barcelona?
             E)  Where does Julia stay in Barcelona?

                                            ORTAÖĞRETİM     9 ENGLISH-10
                                        GENEL MÜDÜRLÜĞÜ
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