Page 6 - English 10 | Games and Activities-10
P. 6
F1 Making comparisons
10 GRADE F2 Talking about different kinds of clothing and shopping
F3 Describing objects and people
3 Choose and Compare
The aim of this game is to have students make comparisons based on the prompts given in the board
game. It is also expected to help students practice comparative and superlative structures.
Materials and Preparation
Copies of the dice on page 256
Copies of the board game on page 256
The teacher cuts out the dice pattern and makes the dice. Then, the teacher hands out one board game
and one dice to each group.
1 Put students into groups of three or four, depending on the size of the class.
2 Determine the rule of the progress as clockwise or counterclockwise.
3 Remind students to roll the dice in turns.
4 Ask each student to move their game pieces (a rubber, a pencil sharpener, a button, etc.) along the
path according to the number of spaces indicated by the dice.
5 When students land on a gray square, have them read the words and make a comparative sentence
using the adjective and two things shown on the square. Then ask them to add one reason for the
E.g. In my opinion, speaking is more difficult than writing in a foreign language because I feel ashamed
while speaking before others.
6 When they land on the white square, have them make a superlative sentence using the adjective and
three things shown on the square.
E.g. I think that the most enjoyable activity in my spare time is watching a comedy movie because I like
stretching out on the couch and laughing a lot.
7 Have the other group members listen to the student’s sentence and decide whether the sentences
are comprehensible or not all together. If they are comprehensible, the student moves to the next
square. If not, the student goes back one square.
8 The first group to reach the ‘Finish’ space wins the game.
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