Page 10 - English 10 | Games and Activities-10
P. 10


                             F1  Making comparisons
         10 GRADE            F2  Talking about different kinds of clothing and shopping
                             F3  Describing objects and people
            8   Outfit Combinations

        The activity aims to have students talk about different kinds of clothing and outfits. It also aims to
        consolidate the words learned throughout the theme.

        Materials and Preparation
        Worksheet on pages 263 and 264
        As for preparation, the teacher photocopies the worksheet as many as the number of pairs and hands
        them out.

        1  Put students into pairs.
        2  First, have them go through the worksheet and complete the chart with the suitable words by putting
           them into their correct categories. Let them add more words to each category if they wish.
        3  After completing the chart, have them write and describe six outfit combinations on the worksheet.
           Then, ask them to rate each combination (1 – the lowest; 5 – the highest), and tell what kinds of
           events/activities (sports events, weddings, business meetings, birthday parties, graduation balls, etc.)
           the combinations are suitable for. Remind them to justify their opinion(s).

           E.g. The first outfit combination consists of a pink shirt, a striped tie, brown shoes and pants, a gray
               notebook case, a pair of gray leather gloves, and a slim-fit jacket. It is formal in style, so we think it is
               suitable for a business meeting and we give 5 points for the combination.

        4  Have each pair share and discuss their comments with the class.

            9   What am I?

        This riddle activity aims to have students describe objects. This fun brain-teaser activity is expected to
        contribute to students’ creativity in terms of making up a question or statement to be solved.

        Materials and Preparation
        Worksheet on page 265
        The teacher photocopies the worksheet for each group and hands them out.

        1  Divide the class into four or five groups, depending on the size of the class.
        2  First, elicit the sample riddles for the groups. Then, explain that they are going to make up and write a
           riddle for each object written on the worksheet.
        3  Give students a suitable amount of time. Monitor and guide them while they are carrying out the task.
        4  After they have finished the task, ask them to assign a representative for each team to speak on their
           behalf. Have the representative read aloud the sentences and let the other groups guess what it is.
           Award 1 point for the fastest group to answer it correctly. If a group gives an incorrect answer, do not
           let them have another try until the next riddle.
        5  The group with the highest score wins the game.

             248  Ortaöğretim Genel Müdürlüğü Öğretim Programları ve Ders Kitapları Daire Başkanlığı
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