Page 8 - English 10 | Games and Activities-10
P. 8


                             F1  Making comparisons
         10 GRADE            F2  Talking about different kinds of clothing and shopping
                             F3  Describing objects and people
            5   Open to Debate

        The activity aims to have students participate in a debate and practice the expressions for clothing and

        Materials and Preparation
        Worksheet on page 258
        Assessment rubric on page 259
        As a preparation, the teacher photocopies and hands out both the worksheet and the assessment rubric
        to each subgroup.

        1  Divide the class into two groups. Then, divide both groups into two subgroups as As and Bs.
        2  Tell students that they will be given various topics to debate over and As of either group will be “for”
            and Bs “against”.
        3  Then, ask each group to take a look at the topics given and choose one of them as the debate topic.
        4  Have the As and Bs of either group debate over their topics standing “for” and “against”. During the
            debate within a group, the other group will be the jury to evaluate the debating group using the
            assessment rubrics.
        5  At the beginning of the debate, remind students to take into consideration the following rules:
            •   Respect your opponents.
            •   Do not interrupt.
            •   Support the arguments with details.
        6  Give students enough time to prepare their “for” or “against” arguments by making notes on the
            worksheet. Monitor and guide them while they are carrying out the task.
        7  When everyone is ready, invite two groups to the front of the class to debate over their topic.
        8  Once the debate is finished, take the assessment rubrics and determine the winner group.

            6   Buying Behaviors

        The aim of this activity is to have students talk about shopping and buying behaviors. It is expected to
        raise students’ awareness about buying habits and contribute to their critical point of view on the topic.

        Materials and Preparation
        Reading sheet on page 260
        The teacher photocopies the reading sheet as many as the number of students and hands them out.

        1  Put students into pairs.
        2  Tell them that they are going to read the text critically and then, decide on what type(s) of buying
            behavior they have. Afterward, have them answer the other related questions on the sheet.
        3  Finally, have them share the answers with their partners and comment on them.

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