Page 10 - English12 | Activity book-10
P. 10
F1 Talking about wishes and regrets
12 GRADE F2 Apologizing
F3 Giving explanations
10 It Was Not My Intention
This activity enables students to give explanations for certain situations. It also encourages students to improve their
listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.
Materials and Preparation
Copy and cut out the given situations on page 215 into strips and fold each strip before putting them in a bag.
1 Have each student come and pick a piece of paper from the bag.
2 On a piece of paper, students write an apology and explanation note to the addressee of their chosen situation.
3 Then, all students share their explanations with the class.
4 The whole class provides feedback.
11 Prick Up Your Ears
This activity enables students to talk about wishes and regrets. It also encourages students to improve their listening,
speaking, reading and writing skills.
Materials and Preparation
Make sure you have Internet access in your class. Make copies and cut out the worksheet on page 216.
1 Divide the students into groups of four or five.
2 Tell them that they are going to listen to a dialog. Ask them to listen very carefully as they are going to answer the
comprehension questions afterwards.
3 Have students listen to the dialog twice. If necessary, repeat the process three times.
4 Tell the groups that they are going to answer the comprehension questions.
5 The students who raise their hands first get the chance to answer.
6 Remind the students that each correct answer is two points.
7 The group with the highest score is the winner of the game.
201 Ortaöğretim Genel Müdürlüğü Öğretim Programları ve Ders Kitapları Daire Başkanlığı