Page 9 - English12 | Activity book-10
P. 9
F1 Talking about wishes and regrets
12 GRADE F2 Apologizing
F3 Giving explanations
8 How I Wish!
This activity enables students to talk about their wishes and regrets. It also encourages students to improve their
listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.
Materials and Preparation
Copy and cut up the set of cards on pages 212-213.
1 Divide the classroom into four groups.
2 Deliver a set of cards to each group.
3 Students read the situation written on their set and brainstorm the ways to complete the sentences in the chart.
4 Then they read their ideas aloud, and the other members of the groups had to guess what their given scenario was.
5 Discuss the outcomes with the whole class.
9 Pardon Me!
This activity enables students to apologize in different situations. It also encourages students to improve their listening
and speaking skills.
Materials and Preparation
Cut the cards on page 214 into two columns, with situations cards in italics and useful language cards in quotation
1 Divide the class into pairs.
2 Deliver the situation cards to each pair.
3 Pairs examine the situations and come up with their own ideas for an apology for each one.
4 The language cards are then given to them to match with the situations.
5 At the end of the game, give each pair an uncut version to check their answers.
6 The pair with the most precise answers wins the game.
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