Page 9 - English12 | Activity book-8
P. 9
F1 Describing problems
12 GRADE F2 Making complaints
F3 Offering solutions
8 Cry Out Against It
This activity enables students to make complaints about the situations they don’t like. It also encourages students to
improve their listening, speaking and reading skills.
Materials and Preparation
Cut up the cards on page 180 before the lesson.
1 Tell students that they are going to role-play using the expressions on the cards in order to score points. The aim is
to use the expressions on the cards as part of their role-play. Also, remind them that it is going to be a fast-paced
complaints game.
2 Divide the students into pairs.
3 Ask students to brainstorm ten situations in which people generally complain.
4 Write the situations on the board.
5 Tell the pairs that one of them is going to be the person complaining and the other is going to be the person dealing
with the complaint.
6 Ask the first pair to come up to the board.
7 Students start with the first situation on the board and spend a short time thinking about what they are going to say.
8 Each student then takes one card randomly, and they begin the activity. They must use the expression on the card
in a complete sentence.
9 When they’ve done this, and while continuing the role-play, they take another card and repeat the process.
10 They are supposed to use as many of the expressions as they can during the role-play. They decide when to stop
taking cards.
11 Students score one point for each correctly used expression, and the point(s) is/are written for the pair.
12 When the pair finishes role-playing, students put their cards back and shuffle them for the next pair.
13 The next pair comes to the board for the second situation, and the game goes on like this.
14 The pair who gets the highest point wins the game.
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