Page 8 - English 9 | Games and Activities-10
P. 8
F1 Making predictions about the future
9 GRADE F2 Asking for and giving opinion (agreement, disagreement, etc…)
Interrupting someone in a conversation
F4 Gaining time in a conversation
5 Time for a Discussion
This activity aims to have students express their ideas about some topics using expressions to show
their agreement/disagreement.
Materials and Preparation
Copy the discussion sheet on page 221 and make sure that each student in the class has one.
1 Divide students into pairs and give each student a copy of the discussion sheet. Tell students that
they are supposed to discuss all of the five topics given.
2 Give students at least five minutes so that they can develop some basic arguments to support their
standpoints during the discussion and tell them that they can take notes on their sheets.
3 Ask students to begin discussing the first statement with their partners. Tell them that they should
try to use as many of the given expressions as possible during the discussion. Each time they use
one, they need to cross off the corresponding number under the expressions. The first person to
use five of the expressions wins.
4 Tell students to choose a different topic and play again. Monitor while walking around the classroom
and stop the activity after an appropriate length of time.
6 Do You Agree or Disagree?
This activity aims to have students ask for and give opinions to see if they agree/disagree with each
Materials and Preparation
Copy and cut up the handout on page 222 and make sure that each student in the class has one.
1 Give each student a copy of the handout and ask them to read the statements given and write ‘A’ for
agree or ‘D’ for disagree in the lower left-hand corner of each statement. Allow 5-6 minutes for this
and have them work individually.
2 Get students to choose five statements they would like to discuss and tell them to put a tick in the
lower right-hand corner of the statements they have chosen. Ask them to think about how they will
express their opinion for each one. They can take notes on the back of the sheet if they want/need.
3 You can say and write an example sentence on the board for them to follow: “I think students should
not bring their mobile phones to schools because they distract students and allow cheating.”
4 Ask students to stand up, move around the classroom, and partner with someone they weren’t sitting
next to. Tell them to take turns to ask for their partner’s opinions about one of the five statements
they have chosen. Ask them to write their partner’s name above each statement and write ‘A’ if they
agree or ‘D’ if they disagree with each other. Allow 4-5 minutes for this and clap your hands three
times to let students know that time is up.
5 Tell them to change partners; this time they need to take turns to ask for their new partner’s opinion
about a different statement they have chosen. Repeat the process five times in total so that all
students ask for/give opinions about the five statements they have chosen in the second step of the
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