Page 106 - Konu Özetleri YDT İngilizce
P. 106


  KONU                                      REPORTED SPEECH
                  YDT    YDT    YDT     YDT    YDT    YDT    YDT    YDT     YDT    YDT    YDT           YDT

                                            REPORTING SENTENCES
         Bir kişinin söylediği söz, dolaysız (direct speech) veya dolaylı (indirect / reported) olarak aktarılabilir.

                                         Direct Speech / Indirect Speech
                          Direct Speech                                   Indirect Speech
         ♦  “I worked at a restaurant in Australia in my youth before   ♦  He said he had worked at a restaurant in Australia in
            becoming a lawyer”, he said.                      his youth before becoming a lawyer.
        Say or Tell
                Tell sözcüğünden sonra sözün kime söylendiğinin belirtilmesi şarttır. Say sözcüğünden hemen sonra ise genellikle
                cümle gelir. Say kelimesinden sonra zamir kullanılırsa say + to + pronoun (zamir) şeklinde sıralanmalıdır.
         ♦  “You need to take the documents to the city hall yourself”, the secretary said.
           The secretary said that I needed to take the documents to the city hall myself.
           The secretary said to me that I needed to take the documents to the city hall myself.
           The secretary told me that I needed to take the documents to the city hall myself.

         Reported Speech  yapısında  aktarılan  cümlelerde  zamir,  zaman  ve  yer  ifadeleri  gibi  bazı  yapılarda  değişiklikler
         yapılması gerekebilir.
                                                Subject Pronouns
                          Direct Speech                                  Indirect Speech
                                I                                            he / she
                               you                                       I / he / she / we / they
                               we                                              they

         ♦  “We have found that most participants prefer coffee over tea in the study,” said the assistant.
           The assistant said that they had found that most participants preferred coffee over tea in the study.

                                                 Object Pronouns
                          Direct Speech                                  Indirect Speech
                               me                                            him / her
                               you                                     me / him / her / us / them
                               us                                             them
         ♦  “The project we are working on will provide us financial opportunities,” has said the engineer.
           The engineer has said that the project they are working on will provide them financial opportunities.
                                               Possessive Adjectives
                          Direct Speech                                  Indirect Speech
                               my                                            his / her
                               your                                    my / his / her / our / their
                               our                                             their

         ♦  The manager said, “We are not interested in your offer.’’
           The manager said they were not interested in our offer.

                                                Reflexive Pronouns
                          Direct Speech                                  Indirect Speech
                              myself                                      himself / herself
                         yourself / yourselves                 myself / himself / herself / ourselves / themselves
                             ourselves                                      themselves
         ♦  “I use some relaxation techniques to calm myself down,” said the participant in the survey.
           The participant in the survey said that she used some relaxation techniques to calm herself down.
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