Page 150 - Konu Özetleri YDT İngilizce
P. 150


        3. Yaygın eşdizimli kullanımlar - Mimari
         medieval / naval / lanscape architecture      ♦  Naval architecture involves the design and construction
                                                          of ships and other marine vessels.
         architectural heritage / landmark / masterpiece
                                                       ♦  His  designs  contributed  significantly  to  the  country's
         (to) build / construct / upgrade / demolish fortification
                                                          architectural heritage, blending modern and classical
         on the brink / verge of ruins – in ruin
         medieval / ancient / occupied citadel / fortress   ♦  The ancient village was on the brink of ruins after years
         (to) fortify / besiege / capture / seize a castle   of neglect and natural disasters.
        4. Yaygın eşdizimli kullanımlar - Teknoloji
         current / existing / present-day / smart technology  ♦  The research team aims to develop an algorithm that
         (to) develop / exploit / employ / adopt technology  can predict weather patterns more accurately.
         humanoid creature / figure / entity           ♦  By  using  a wireless transmitter,  the  drone  can
                                                          communicate with its operator from great distances.
         moving / manual / mechanical automaton
                                                       ♦  As technology advances rapidly, humanity finds itself on
         broadcast from / equip with / terrestrial transmitter
                                                          the threshold of a new era in artificial intelligence.
         (to) make / achieve breakthrough
                                                       ♦  Scientists worked for years to achieve a breakthrough
         send wireless signals / offer wireless service   in renewable energy storage.
         (to) use / develop / implement algorithm      ♦  The company unveiled a humanoid figure capable of
         (to) optimize / deploy / automate artificial intelligence   assisting customers in retail stores.

        5. Yaygın eşdizimli kullanımlar - Sağlık
         ill / failing / public health                  ♦  After a week of rest and medication, the patient began
         (to) affect / recover / improve health           to recover health and regain strength.
         fatal / terminal / psychosomatic illness       ♦  A hereditary disease  runs  in  their  family,  affecting
                                                          multiple generations.
         chronic / inflammatory / hereditary disease
                                                        ♦  Many people suffer from psychosomatic illness during
         (to) die of / recover from / suffer from illness
                                                          times of extreme stress and anxiety.
         (to) receive / require / undergo treatment
                                                        ♦  He  was  fortunate  to  recover from his illness  after
         medical / proper / comprehensive treatment       weeks of intensive care.
         (to) cause / prevent / diagnose / fight infection  ♦  If left untreated, a latent infection can become more
         bacterial / respiratory / latent / septic infection  severe and lead to complications.
        6. Yaygın eşdizimli kullanımlar - Biyoloji
         marine / environmental biology                 ♦  After  completing  her  degree in biology,  the  young
         (to) study biology / degree in biology           woman pursued a career in environmental conservation.
         go / become extinct / extinct language / species   ♦  Many  animal  species  are  at  risk  of  becoming extinct
                                                          due to deforestation and climate change.
         biodiversity loss / conservation / prevention
                                                        ♦  Conservationists  are  working  hard  to  preserve
         (to) maintain / preserve / threaten biodiversity
                                                          biodiversity in tropical rainforests.
         radioactive / bacterial / groundwater contamination
                                                        ♦  Regular  exercise  helps  improve  circulatory  system
         (to) contaminate  water / air / soil / food      health by enhancing blood flow.
         circulatory  blood / system / flow / health    ♦  Industrial  waste  can  contaminate soil,  making  it
         (to) contain / act as an antioxidant             unsuitable for farming for decades.

                                                   MAKE & DO
         İngilizce’de en çok hata yapılan eşdizimli ifadelerin başında do ve make fiilleri vardır. Yapmak anlamına gelen bu iki
         fiilin eş dizimli kullanımları birbirinden farklıdır.
                             DO                                             MAKE
         care            do exercise / hair / make-up  food                  make a cup of coffee / an egg
         work & study    do business / work / homework  communication        make friends / a phone call
         actions         do the right thing / your best  business            make plans / progress / a decision

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