Page 153 - Konu Özetleri YDT İngilizce
P. 153


    KONU                         GUESSING MEANING FROM THE CONTEXT

                                   GUESSING MEANING FROM THE CONTEXT
         Context Clues, anlamı zor anlaşılan bir kelimenin tanımını kavramayı kolaylaştıran diğer kelime veya ifadelerden oluşur.
         Bu ifadeler, bilinmeyen kelimenin yer aldığı cümlede bulunabileceği gibi, önceki ya da sonraki cümlede de olabilir. Metinde
         bilinmeyen bir kelimenin anlamı, bu kelimenin kullanımından sonra yapılan tanımlama (definition), açıklama (explanation),
         bağlaçlar (linkers) veya eşanlamlı ve zıt anlamlı kelimeler (synonyms-antonyms) aracılığıyla anlaşılabilir.
        1  Definition & Explanation
          Punctuation Marks: Metinde bilinmeyen bir kelime, parantez, iki nokta, ya da noktalı virgül gibi noktalama işaretlerinden
          sonra yapılan açıklama ile anlaşılabilir.
        ♦  The journey of life is a winding road; full of twists and turns.
        ♦  It was such a mouth-watering steak; delicious and appetizing.
          Definitions: Metinde bir kelimenin anlamı bazı tanımlama ifadeleri ile ya da açıklama bağlaçları ile verilmiş olabilir.
          Tanımlama bağlaçları, bilinmeyen kelimeyi açıklayan örnekler ya da detaylarla birlikte sunulur.
         is / are called (as)    is / are known (as)     or                      namely
         is / are defined (as)   means / mean            that is to say          in other words
        ♦  The term cultural relativism is defined as the belief that ethical standards and values are contextually determined; in
          other words, what is considered right or wrong depends on the cultural context in which it occurs.
        ♦  He possesses an exceptional talent for languages; that is to say, he is fluent in six different languages,
          including Mandarin and Arabic.
          Non-Defining Relative Clauses : Bir kelime veya ifade, non-defining relative clause kullanılarak ek bilgiyle açıklanabilir. Bu
          tür cümleler genellikle virgüllerle ayrılır.
        ♦  My aunt gave me this jumper, which she knitted herself to wear when she was a student.
        ♦  I didn’t have a wrench, which I use as a tool to tighten or loosen nuts and bolts; as a result, I couldn’t fix the tap.
        2  Linkers
          Linkers of Exemplification: Bilinmeyen bir kelimenin anlamı örneklendirme yapılarak açıklanmış olabilir.
         for example      for instance    to illustrate   as revealed by  as illustrated by  such as
        ♦  Teachers don’t approve impudent behaviours in classes, such as communicating in a disrespectful way and not
          obeying the rules.
        ♦  To illustrate the chef’s culinary expertise, she prepared a scrumptious feast.

          Linkers of Similarity: Benzerlik kuran bağlaçlar, bilinmeyen kelimelerin anlamını kavramaya yardımcı olabilir. Bu bağlaçlar,
          kelimenin bir başka durum ya da ifade ile olan benzerliği üzerinden ipucu sağlar.
         in a similar manner  as well as      likewise      accordingly  by the same token    equally
        ♦  Catherine values candor in her relationships; by the same token, she expects transparency and sincerity from
          those around her.
        ♦  Some assumed her decision would lead to jubilation; in a similar manner, it brought about joy and celebration as
          Linkers of Contrast: Bilinmeyen kelimelerin anlamını tahmin etmeye, zıtlık ifade eden bağlaçlar yardımcı olabilir.
         although / even though  despite / in spite of  on the contrary / in contrast  while / whereas  but / yet
        ♦  My son tends to be reticent in social gatherings; however, when he is with his family members and close friends he
          turns into a communicative person.
        ♦  Many believed the task would be straightforward; on the contrary, it proved to be a complex challenge requiring
          innovative solutions.
        3  Synonyms & Antonyms

          Synonyms & Antonyms: Metinde bilinmeyen kelimelerin anlamı eş anlamlı ve zıt anlamlı ifadelerin yardımı ile tahmin edilebilir.

        ♦  My boss has an exasperated personality, he is one of the most angry person I have ever met.   synonym
        ♦  Despite many problems, the company managed to grow its market share while its competitors continued to shrink in
          the face of changing consumer demands.                       antonym
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