Page 152 - Konu Özetleri YDT İngilizce
P. 152


         Meaning of the   Phrasal    Meaning of the
          Preposition   Verb        Phrasal Verb                         Examples
                                                  ♦  I borrowed his camera for the weekend, and now it's time to
                     give sth. back  geri vermek
                                                    give it back to him.
                                    geri gelmek,  ♦  Sam promised to come back after finishing her errands, eager
                      come back
                                    geri dönmek     to continue the conversation with her friends.
                                    geri koymak,  ♦  After cleaning the kitchen, she decided to put back all the
                       put back
                                  eski yerine koymak  dishes and utensils in their designated places.
           to return               geri götürmek,
                       take back                  ♦  I have to take back this shirt as it's the wrong size.
                                    iade etmek
                                  geri adım atmak,
                       step back   geri çekilmek,   ♦  Sometimes, it's good to step back and assess the situation.
                                  durup düşünmek
                                    hatırlatmak,   ♦  I found an old photo album that brought back cherished
                      bring back
                                    geri getirmek   moments from my childhood, filling me with nostalgia.
         Meaning of the   Phrasal   Meaning of the
          Preposition    Verb       Phrasal Verb                         Examples
                     hang around /   dolaşmak,    ♦  After the concert, we decided to hang around / about the venue
                         about       gezinmek       to see if we could meet the band and get autographs.
                                    (etrafından)   ♦  I had to go around the construction site to reach our destination
            to do      go around     dolaşmak       after the road closure.
            with no   run around    oraya buraya   ♦  I've been running around all morning trying to get things ready
                                                    for the meeting.
           purpose    walk around    dolaşmak,    ♦  During the weekend, we like to walk around the local park,
                                     gezinmek       enjoying the sunshine and chatting with friends.
                        wander       dolaşmak,   ♦  On lazy Sunday afternoons, I like to grab a coffee and wander
                     around / about  gezinmek       around the local bookstore, losing myself among the shelves.
         Meaning of the   Phrasal   Meaning of the                       Examples
          Preposition   Verb       Phrasal Verb
                                      zorla,      ♦  The burglars attempted to break in through the back door, but
                                   izinsiz girmek   the security system alerted the authorities.
                       break in
                                (konuşmayı) bölmek, ♦  While I was chatting with my friend on the phone, my daughter
                                   araya girmek     broke in and asked for help.
                                                  ♦  Feel free to pop in for a cup of coffee whenever you're in the
           to enter     pop in       uğramak
                                                    neighborhood; I'd love to catch up with you!
                                                  ♦  She had to squeeze through the narrow gap to get in the car as
                       get in(to)  girmeyi başarmak
                                                    the parking space was quite tight.
                                                  ♦  She decided to get into gardening as a new hobby, cultivating
                       get into  yakından ilgilenmek
                                                    flowers and vegetables in her backyard.
         Meaning of the   Phrasal   Meaning of the                       Examples
          Preposition    Verb       Phrasal Verb
                                                  ♦  While crossing the street, the cyclist accidentally ran over a
                        run over  çiğnemek, ezmek
                                                    small object, causing a loud noise.
                                   iyileşmek, (bir   ♦  With plenty of rest, medication, and the support of her loved
                       get over
                                 hastalığı) atlatmak  ones, she was able to get over the illness relatively quickly.
            to pass
                                    devralmak,    ♦  After years of hard work and dedication, she was ready to take
                       take over   sorumluluğunu
                                     üstlenmek      over as the new CEO of the company.
                                 üstünden geçmek,
                        go over                   ♦  Let's go over the plan one more time before the meeting.
                                  gözden geçirmek
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