Page 48 - Konu Özetleri YDT İngilizce
P. 48


  KONU                                ADJECTIVES AND THEIR USES
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                                         ADJECTIVES AND THEIR USES
         Bir ismi ya da zamiri çeşitli yönlerden niteleyen kelimelere sıfat (adjective) denir. Sıfatlar varlıkların rengini, durumunu,
         biçimini, sayı veya miktarını belirtir ve isme ya da zamire sorulan “Nasıl?” sorusuna cevap verir.

                                              Structure of Adjectives
                Renk              Durum               Biçim               Sayı              Miktar
                black               old               round               five              a lot of
                 cat               house             cookies              eggs               noise
         Sıfatlar cümle içinde niteledikleri isimden önce veya to be fiilinden sonra kullanılır.

         ♦  Loss of trees, too much grazing and acid rains ruin productive ground that could be used for farming.
         ♦  Kyle is a successful student as he finished university in three years.

         Sıfat türeten ekler (suffixes), kök kelimenin türünü sıfata dönüştürerek kelimeye belirli bir anlam kazandırır.

           SUFFIX                                        ADJECTIVES
         -able / -ible  suitable, predictable, agreeable, flammable, probable, illegible, credible, discernible
         -al / ial / ical  national, educational, mechanical, dental, practical, historical, financial, critical, logical
         -ant / -ent  ignorant, assistant, reliant, vigilant, dependent, consistent, different, abundant
         -ful         meaningful, useful, helpful, harmful, skillful, successful, hopeful, fanciful, grateful, beautiful
         -less        careless, homeless, endless, speechless, fearless, hopeless, useless, restless, penniless
         -ic          poetic, heroic, iconic, historic, scientific, athletic, hygienic, photographic
         -ous         nervous, courageous, poisonous, mysterious, victorious, prestigious, rebellious
         -ate         affectionate, passionate
         -ive         creative, attractive, productive, expensive, objective, supportive, sensitive, cooperative, subversive
         -ish         selfish, yellowish, reddish, Spanish, childish
         -ary         contemporary, imaginary, military, disciplinary, dietary
         -y           cloudy, tasty, rainy, funny, dirty, messy, fruity, hairy, skinny, sunny
         -some        bothersome, troublesome, quarrelsome, tiresome, awesome
         -ly          quarterly, bimonthly, friendly, hourly, daily
         -ist         racist, feminist
         ♦  The heroic deeds of the Turkish army have always left a profound impression on Turkish people’s hearts and minds.
         ♦  There is abundant evidence that cars have harmful effects on the environment.
         ♦  Contemporary AI-powered self-driving cars provide drivers with a less driving but more practical driving experience.
         Ön ekler (prefixes), bir kelimenin anlamını değiştirmek veya kelimeyi yeni bir türe dönüştürmek için kullanılır. Sıfat türetmek
         için kullanılan ön eklerin bazıları olumsuzluk ya da zıtlık anlamı verirken bazıları kelimenin temel anlamını genişletir.
           PREFIX                                        ADJECTIVES
         un-          unlucky, unfortunate, untidy, unwritten, uncomfortable, unbalanced, unjust, untrue
         im-          impassive, immature, immobile, impatient, immortal, immediate, impartial, impossible, improbable
         ir-          irresponsible, irresolute, irrefutable, irrelevant, irregular, irreplaceable, irrational
         il-          illegal, illogical, illegible, illegitimate, illiterate
         in-          inconvenient, independent, invisible, insane, incredible, inadequate
         non-         non-fat, non-verbal, non-fiction, non-toxic, non-political, non-neutral, nonessential
         dis-         disloyal, dissimilar, disordered, dishonest
         ♦  He is known for his incredible talent and his fearless attitude toward challenges.
         ♦  The nonessential items were removed from the suitcase to make it lighter for the trip.
         ♦  In childhood, inadequate and unbalanced nutrition causes disruptions in growth, development and the functioning
            of the body.
         ♦  The new sofa in the living room is so uncomfortable.
  48      MEBİ KONU ÖZETLERİ                                                               ENGLISH - YDT
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