Page 46 - Konu Özetleri YDT İngilizce
P. 46


  KONU                              PASSIVE IN GERUND & INFINITIVE
                  YDT    YDT    YDT     YDT    YDT    YDT    YDT    YDT     YDT    YDT    YDT           YDT

                                        PASSIVE IN GERUND & INFINITIVE
                         Passive in Gerund                              Passive in Infinitive

         Present Passive Gerund  Perfect Passive Gerund  Present Passive Infinitive  Perfect Passive Infinitive

         Present Passive Gerund
         Present Passive Gerund, bir eylemin edilgen olarak gerçekleşmekte olduğunu vurgulayan gerund yapılardır.
                              Active                                         Passive

                          verb + ing (V )                            being + past participle (V )
                                     ing                                                  3
         ♦  The little kid is waiting in the school garden for being taken home.
         ♦  Do you remember his being awarded a watch for winning the contest?
         ♦  No one likes being criticised in front of their colleagues.

         Perfect Passive Gerund
         Perfect Passive Gerund, genellikle öznenin bir eyleme maruz kaldığını ve bu eylemin esas cümledeki eylemden önce
         gerçekleştiğini göstermek için kullanılır.
                              Active                                         Passive
                     having + past participle (V )               having + been + past participle (V )
                                           3                                                  3
         ♦  Students denied having been warned against the use of smartphones during school hours.
         ♦  Sally is still sorry for having been accused of losing the game last week by her classmates.
         ♦  Alex denied having been invited to the party, although Richard insisted that he had invited him.

         Present Passive Infinitive
         Present Passive Infinitive, bir eylemin edilgen bir şekilde gerçekleşmekte oldugunu vurgulayan infinitive yapılardır.

                              Active                                         Passive
                     to + present infinitive (V )                    to + be + past participle (V )
                                          1                                                3
         ♦  Many infectious diseases are known to be caused by airborne viruses that spread quickly.
         ♦  The construction of the building is expected to be finished by next week.
         ♦  My boss wants all the reports to be controlled carefully.
         Perfect Passive Infinitive

         Perfect Passive Infinitive, geçmişte tamamlanmış bir eylemin sonucunun şu anki durum üzerinde bir etkisi olduğunu
         anlatmak için kullanılır.

                              Active                                         Passive
                    to have + past participle (V )              to + have + been + past participle (V )
                                           3                                                   3
         ♦  Papyrus is known to have been used thousands of years ago in ancient Egypt.
         ♦  My locker appears to have been tampered because it is really in a mess.
         ♦  Cocoa is said to have been used as money in the ancient Aztec and Maya civilizations.
               Need, require, want fiilleri hem Verb + ing hem de to be + V  ile passive yapılabilir.
         ♦  The house needs to be renovated a bit before you move in.      Same Meaning
         ♦  The house needs renovating a bit before you move in.
         ♦  All gas fires and central heating boilers require to be serviced once a year.
         ♦  All gas fires and central heating boilers require servicing once a year.  Same Meaning
  46      MEBİ KONU ÖZETLERİ                                                               ENGLISH - YDT
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