Page 72 - Konu Özetleri YDT İngilizce
P. 72


  KONU                             REDUCTION OF RELATIVE CLAUSES
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                                      REDUCTION OF RELATIVE CLAUSES
         Relative clause  ile  oluşturulan  cümlelerde  bazı  ögelerin  çıkarılması  ile  cümlenin  anlamını  değiştirmeden  kısaltma
         yapmak mümkündür. Bu kısaltmanın yapılabilmesi için who ve which ilgi zamirlerinin (relative pronoun) kullanılması ve
         bu yapıların sıfat cümleciğinde özne durumunda kullanılması gerekmektedir.
         ♦  The man is my father. He is talking to the teacher.   ♦  I watched a movie yesterday. It was amazing.
           The man who is talking to the teacher is my father.    The movie which I watched yesterday was amazing.
           The man talking to the teacher is my father.
                        (Kısaltma yapılabilir.)                         (Kısaltma yapılamaz.)
                                 Use of Reduction of Relative Clauses with “to be”
         Bir relative pronoun sonrasında verb to be geliyorsa relative pronoun + be cümleden çıkarılarak kısaltma yapılabilir.
        Present participle
         ♦  Children who are watching a movie at the cinema now will be given a free ticket.
         ♦  Children watching a movie at the cinema now will be given a free ticket.
        Past participle
         ♦  The product, which was manufactured perfectly in the laboratory, failed to succeed in the market.
         ♦  The product, manufactured perfectly in the laboratory, failed to succeed in the market.
        Adjective phrase
         ♦  Any student who is interested in science can join the robotics club.
         ♦  Any student interested in science can join the robotics club.
        Noun phrase
         ♦  İstanbul, which was once the capital of the Ottoman Empire, is known for its rich history and stunning architecture.
         ♦  İstanbul, once the capital of the Ottoman Empire, is known for its rich history and stunning architecture.
        Prepositional phrase
         ♦  The incident, which is under investigation, seems to have lasted longer than anticipated by the company.
         ♦  The incident, under investigation, seems to have lasted longer than anticipated by the company.
                               Use of Reduction of Relative Clauses without “to be”
        Present participle
         ♦  The Arctic Tern, which travels about 80 thousand kilometres annually, is the world's longest-distance migratory bird.
         ♦  The Arctic Tern, travelling about 80 thousand kilometres annually, is the world's longest-distance migratory bird.
        Past participle
         ♦  The students who had finished their assignments early left the classroom.
         ♦  The students having finished their assignments early left the classroom.
        Perfect participle
         Sıfat cümlesindeki eylem, ana cümledeki eylemden önce gerçekleşiyorsa ve fiil aktifse perfect participle kullanılır.
         ♦  The investors who have become the new partners of our company are planning a meeting with us tomorrow.
         ♦  The investors having become the new partners of our company are planning a meeting with us tomorrow.
        Perfect passive participle
         Sıfat cümlesindeki eylem, ana cümledeki eylemden önce gerçekleşiyorsa ve fiil pasifse perfect passive participle kullanılır.
         ♦  Radio, which was invented in the early 1800s, is still popular, especially among older people.
         ♦  Radio, having been invented in the early 1800s, is still popular, especially among older people.
         ♦  Having been invented in the early 1800s, radio is still popular, especially among older people.
                             Use of Reduction of Relative Clauses Using to + Infinitive
         To + infinitive ile relative clause kısaltması yapılabilir.
                             This book is the best one for beginners, which explains the theory of relativity in detail.
                             This book is the best one for beginners to explain the theory of relativity in detail.
                             The fifth candidate who was interviewed for the position was entirely suitable.
           Ordinal numbers
                             The fifth candidate to be interviewed for the position was entirely suitable.
         The first, the last, the  The last person who left the building forgot to turn off the lights.
            next, the only   The last person to leave the building forgot to turn off the lights.
                             We need someone who can work six days a week from home for our new company in Dubai.
          Indefinite pronouns
                             We need someone to work six days a week from home for our new company in Dubai.
                             The students have a lot of homework that they must finish by Friday to pass the exam.
             Modal verbs
                             The students have a lot of homework to finish by Friday to pass the exam.
  72      MEBİ KONU ÖZETLERİ                                                               ENGLISH - YDT
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