Page 76 - Konu Özetleri YDT İngilizce
P. 76


  KONU                                CONJUNCTIONS OF PURPOSE
                  YDT    YDT    YDT     YDT    YDT    YDT    YDT    YDT     YDT    YDT    YDT           YDT

                                         CONJUNCTIONS OF PURPOSE
                  Conjunctions Expressing Purpose                 Prepositional Phrases of Purpose

                                    CONJUNCTIONS EXPRESSING PURPOSE
         Bu bağlaçlar amaç bildirir ve ana cümle ile yan cümleyi bağlar. Bu cümleler arasında zaman uyumu bulunmalıdır.

                                              “Böylece,  için,  diye,  -mesi  için”  anlamına  gelir.  Present Tense içeren
         so that / in order that + clause
                                              cümlelerde, ana cümle ve yan cümle arasında zaman uyumu sağlanır.
         ♦  Greenhouses regulate temperature and humidity so that plants can thrive.
         ♦  Reforestation efforts continue in order that future generations benefit from forests.

         in case / in the event that + clause  “Durumunda, -sı halinde, ihtimaline karşı, olur diye” anlamlarına gelir.

         ♦  One should have travel insurance in the event that / in case a car accident happens while travelling in a foreign country.
         for fear that + clause               “Korkusuyla” anlamına gelir. Tense’ lere göre farklı kullanımları mevcuttur.

                                   Present tense + for fear that + may / might / should
         ♦  They reduce waste and recycle regularly for the fear that they may contribute to environmental destruction.
                                       Past tense + for fear that + might / should
         ♦  A great number of countries adopted strict regulations for fear that nuclear power plants might pose a risk to public safety.
                                              “Diye, olmasın diye, korkusu ile” anlamlarına gelir. Cümle yapısı olarak
         lest + clause
                                              olumlu ancak anlam olarak olumsuz bir kullanıma sahiptir.
         ♦  All passengers should be seated properly before setting sail lest an unfortunate accident should occur.
                                    PREPOSITIONAL PHRASES OF PURPOSE

         Bu yapılar ana cümle ile amaç bildiren ifadeleri bağlamak için kullanılır.
                                                         Bu yapılar “-(me) mek / -(ma) mak amacıyla, -(me) mek /
         so as (not) to / in order (not) to / (not) to + V
                                               1         -(ma) mak için” anlamlarına gelir.
         ♦  Take frequent screen breaks during your workday in order not to / so as not to / not to increase your risk of
            developing computer vision syndrome.
         for the purpose of / with the aim of / with a view to   Bu  yapılar  “-mek  /  -mak  amacıyla,  -mek  /  -mak  için,
         + noun / noun phrase                            gayesiyle” anlamlarına gelir.
         ♦  With the aim of / With a view to / For the purpose of maintaining a healthy weight, many people make it a habit
            of eating healthy, exercising regularly, and getting enough sleep.
         for fear of + noun / noun phrase          “Korkusuyla, korkusundan, -den korktuğundan,” anlamına gelir.

         ♦  The couple had to be very quiet while carrying out their chores in the apartment for fear of waking the baby up.

         in the event of + noun / noun phrase      “Durumunda, halinde, olduğu takdirde” anlamlarına gelir.
         ♦  In the event of unexpected equipment malfunctions, sports teams have backup strategies in place to minimise
            disruptions during games.

               So that yapısı hem amaç bildirmek için hem de so bağlacı gibi sonuç bildirmek için kullanılabilir.

         ♦  You should avoid contact with people who have colds or are sick with other infections, so (that) you can prevent
            yourself from becoming ill. (Expressing result = therefore)
         ♦  You should avoid contact with people who have colds or are sick with other infections so that you can prevent
            yourself from becoming ill. (Expressing purpose = in order that)

  76      MEBİ KONU ÖZETLERİ                                                               ENGLISH - YDT
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