P. 16
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s ee s a as u a eed s r t a to
both physical and mental health
t ever t e rd t at s o o t e or d
it’s clear that so many of us are struggling to sleep. B ar u e ts a a t vate our ervous s ste
Approximately 40 percent of people surveyed in which disturbs sleep
13 countries had sleep issues over the past three C) nearly all people over 60 have a tendency to
ears a ord t e Journal of Clinical Sleep turn off screens 30 minutes before bed
Medicine. t s o o to a e u at t ota
as ou a e ut trou e s a d d sa ree e ts D) people who have restless sleep at night should
can stimulate your mind and senses and make consult a clinical psychologist urgently
it tough to fall back asleep. Even if you’re not up
ate r ev s ee a e a rea ro e . B E) there are no tips for waking up less frequently
0 e ave a te de to a e u ore ta e a at night
siesta for shorter periods and get less sleep than
normal. Simple acts like getting an hour of sunlight
ea da sett t e t er ostat et ee a d
0 de rees e s us at t tur o s ree s
0 utes e ore ed a d s sa t s a s 1 ----
in the evenings can help. When people cut down A) sleep disorders can strongly affect adults’
o sa t t e u er o t e r avera e to et tr s overall health and quality of life
decreases from twice a night to once.
B) young adults have a tendency to fall asleep for
a nap
---- C) older adults are less likely to complain about
A) it is said that everybody should be aware of the sleep problems
link between sleep and depression
D) everyone in the world has trouble sleeping at
B) sleep struggles are more common among some point in their life
younger adults
E) the people who consume more salt wake up
C) aging itself does not result in increased sleep more often to go to the bathroom
D) sleep disorders are becoming more common
due to bizarre problems facing the world
E) sleep survey questions are frequently asked
to collect information about the causes of
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rta ret Ge e d r ret ro ra arı ve Ders ta arı Da re Ba a ı ı