P. 18


                                                             A)  not only does good writing help you express
                                                                 our v e s   ear     t a so  e  s  ou  et a  o
                reat ve  r t      a s a ver  s      a t ro e      ds
               e ot o a  a d  o   t ve deve o  e t         s   B)  not all the students who have a passion for
               the development of the ability to think and reason.   writing can communicate effectively in the real
               Many studies indicate that children who practise   world
               creative writing are likely to be better in other   C)  different people have different perceptions of
               su  e ts    e  at s    e  str   a d  a  ua es.   creative writing
               Let’s get this clear. Students cannot write without
               t       .  e  e    ear t         eads to   ear   D)  many students don’t put effort into mastering
               writing. Learning creative writing helps children   good writing as it is not so easy
                 oose t e r   t  ords    a  e  t e r t ou  ts
               a  erta   d re t o   a d re rodu e t e r t ou  ts   E)  few employers require their employees to have
                  a  a  t at  s u   ue.  urt er ore  t ese      strong written communication skills
               deve o  e ts dra at  a       rease t e r se
                o  de  e.  o  as a tea  er or a  are t  a  a s
               e  oura e  our     dre  to  e  reat ve  to use t e r
                 a   at o   to  r te  a d t e   ra se t e    e
               they do. This essential skill impacts all aspects of
               your child’s life from school to university years and   A)  To express the fact that every child has the
               all the way into his/her work life. It is also important   potential to be a good writer.
               to know that the ability to write professionally is
               o e o  t e  ost    de a d s    s   e   t  o es   B)  To give some expert tips to develop creative
               to employment and career development across      writing skills in your child.
                                                             C)  To indicate the importance of creative writing
                                                                for children.

               A)  one should enrol in a creative writing class to   D   To de   e  reat ve  r t     o e o  t e  ost
                 choose the right career path                   misunderstood disciplines.

               B)  every child automatically evolves into a good   E)  To mention about creative writing techniques
                 communicator through creative writing
                                                                for kids.
                     t out  a  ua e  our t ou  ts  ou d  t  ave
                 any form

               D    ear      o  to  r te  reat ve      roves se
                 e  ress o  a d  oosts se    o   de  e

               E)  writing skills are essential in many areas of life
                 but often neglected

                                                       17                               Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.

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