P. 23


           48.  Rachel:

               John:                                          CE

                                                             A)  Oyster and fish farming began in Rome before
                                                                 00 B    s   e t e     ese  ad  rev ous
                                                                perfected freshwater farming a thousand years
                  ----                                       B   T e     ese    o  e  ed t e  o a s  ear
                                                                 o  to  reed   s  a d o sters   ad  er e ted
               John:                                            freshwater aquaculture around a thousand
                                                                years earlier.
                                                    T        C)  The Romans began raising fish and oysters
                                                                    00 B     ut  res  ater a ua u ture  ad
                                                                already been practically established in China a

               A)  I just give in and buy whatever I want. Life’s too   thousand years earlier.
                 short to worry about that stuff.
                                                             D)  The Romans gradually improved China’s
               B)  It’s impossible to live sustainably in today’s    res  ater a ua u ture         ad  ee
                 so  et .  e  eed to   a  e t e s ste    ot      ra t sed  or a t ousa d  ears      ar       s
                 just our individual behaviour.                 and oysters.
               C)  Have you thought about making your own
                 cleaning and personal care products? It’s   E)  The Romans would have never had the
                 cheaper and better for the environment.        chance to farm oysters and fish by 500
                                                                BCE if freshwater aquaculture hadn’t been
               D)  I think it’s important to support companies that   scientifically discovered in China a thousand
                 have responsible and environmentally friendly   years earlier.

               E)  Why bother trying to live sustainably when the
                 damage to the environment has already been
                 done? We might as well enjoy the benefits of
                 consumer culture while we still can.

                                                       22                               Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.

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