P. 20


                 1  -
                                                             A)  being healthy is the most priceless possession
                                                                anyone can have

               The greatest wealth we may own is frequently   B)  good health is the only way to have a happy
               regarded as our health. We have the vigour and   and fulfilling life
               energy to achieve our objectives when we are
                ea t  .   so   ood  ea t      t  e   us avo d   C)  the most crucial aspect of sustaining good
               costly medical bills and lost wages. Maintaining    ea t   s  ar     or our e ot o a   e    e
                ood  ea t    vo ves eat    a  a a  ed d et
               e er  s     re ue t    a d  ar     or our e ot o a    D    ost o  t e t  e   e v e  our  ea t  as our
                e    e   .  reve tat ve  easures  su   as       least important priority
               rout  e   e   u s a d s ree    s   a  a so a d
               in identifying any health issues early on. While   E)  both good health and happiness are
               having material things may temporarily make us   guaranteed by working out frequently
                a      ood  ea t   s t e  e  to   v    a  a    a d
                u    ed    e.    add t o  to t e  erso a   e e ts
                ood  ea t   s a so    orta t  or t e  e    e
               of our society as a whole. A healthy population
                s  ore  rodu t ve  a  e to  o tr  ute to t e
               e o o    a d  as  ess o  a  urde  o   ea t  are
               s ste s. T ere ore   a  ta       ood  ea t   s
               both a personal responsibility and a societal one.    A)  The Secrets of a Healthy Life
               We all have to listen to the proverb that constantly   B   T e Ne ess t  o   ea t   or  e   Be
                  s ers to us t at   ea t   s t e  est  ea t
               and invest in our health through healthy lifestyle   C)  The Stability of Emotional Health
                 o  es  re u ar  ed  a    e   u s  a d a  ess to
               healthcare services.                          D)  Why to Be Healthy and Wealthy
                                                             E)  The Importance of Mental Health

            1                             ----
               A)  only through maintaining mental health is it
                 possible to live a happy and fulfilling life
               B     d v dua  a  ou ta    t    ot  rou
                 res o s     t    s  e essar   or  ood  ea t

               C)  we have the vigour and energy to achieve our
                 goals only when we are physically well

               D)  healthier people use healthcare services more
                 frequently which can boost the economy
                   re u ar   e   u s are  reve tat ve  ra t  es
                 that can help find health problems early on

                                                       19                               Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.

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