P. 17


                                                             A)  don’t really desire to improve anything about
                                                                their lives
                t t e  e        o  t e  0t   e tur   t e  ustr a
               psychiatrist Alfred Adler proposed the “birth order   B)  are the ones who can promote positive
               t eor          states t at a     d s  erso a  t    relationships in the community
                s stro        ue  ed    t e t      o   ts   rt       C)  tend to have a more tactful character than their
               re at o  to  ts s      s.  e    ot es sed t at  rst or    siblings
                   dre  are so  a    do   a t  e  e t o a      ever
               a d  o s  e t ous   ut t e  are a so  ess o e  to   D)  are highly motivated to get on well with their
                e   deas   ore add  ted to  er e t o  s  a d    siblings
               so  a  a  rova .  dd t o a      e asserted t at
                 dd e     dre     o are sa d    ed  et ee    E)  frequently have trouble establishing their place
               o der a d  ou  er s      s   re ue t   de o strate   in the society
               a  o  et t ve   ara ter. T    a     t ese are t e
               family members who are the most diplomatic and
               ada ta  e to   a  es.    ord    to  d er s t eor
               the youngest siblings have a tendency to be reliant
               a d se    e tred  e ause t e  are a  usto ed to
               re e v    su  ort  ro  ot ers. No et e ess  des  te                        ----
               t ese s      a t d sadva ta es  t e  are t e  ost   A)  their attempts to overcome the disadvantages
               e terta      a d se   assured o  t e s      s.

                                                             B)  the constant help from their older siblings
                                                             C)  the vulnerable characteristics they are born
               A)  only firstborn children tend to have a dominant   with
                 personality over their siblings
                                                             D)  their failures in interpersonal relationships
               B)  a child’s nature is mostly impacted by its birth
                 order in the family                         E)  their habitual dependence on others

               C)  birth order theory has been used frequently to
                 study sibling relationships

               D)  the primary factor that can affect a child’s
                 personality is its birth order

                   eve  t ou     rt  t       s s       a t   t  as   tt e
                 impact on child’s actions

                                                       16                               Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.

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