P. 19


                                                                  ede st er a  o so  s DN  test    d s roved
                                                                the theory that Vikings were all men
               Scandinavian warriors known as Vikings invaded
               various parts of Europe between the 9th and 11th   B)  the skeleton found in Birka was unmistakably
               centuries. Many people mistakenly believe that   t at o  a      ra       a e         arr or
               all Vikings were men. Yet a study found that the
               skeleton of a person who appeared to be a senior   C)  the warrior’s gender was finally determined
                       arr or  as a tua    a  o a . T e s e eto     t rou    o e a a  s s       0
               discovered in the 1880s in the area where a 9th
               a d  0t   e tur  to    a  ed B r a o  e stood    D)  the gender of the warrior remained a mystery
                as  o   t ou  t to  e t at o  a      ra         u t   a  0   stud  at  arvard    vers t
               so d er. T e  od   as  ur ed   t  a s ord  a
               a e  a s ear  a d ot er  ea o s  su    te s       to t  s da    t  s st    u  rove    et er t e
                ere  re ue t    ur ed   t       ra       arr ors.   remains belong to a female Viking
               Most historians assumed that this warrior had to
                e a  a .  o ever     t e    0s  so e s  e t sts
               began to speculate that the Viking warrior could
               have been a woman. A bone analysis determined
               t at t e re a  s  ere  e a e.   t   a  0   stud         T
               at    sa a    vers t   t e  e der o  t e s e eto                          ----
               remained a bone of contention. Archaeologist
                 ar otte  ede st er a  o so  s tea  used     A)  matter of fact
               DN  a a  s s to  o  r  t at t e s e eto   as
               a  o a  s.     e t e    t a  ears to  e t e  rst   B)  subject of discussion
                o  r ed re a  s o  a  e a e         o  a der.
                                                             C)  sense of humour
                                                               D)  cause of rage

               A)  The Vikings spoke Old Norse and sculpted
                 rune inscriptions.                          E)  source of despair

               B)  They were a savage group of female
                 Scandinavian warriors that invaded Europe.

               C)  They were a group of warriors from
                 Scandinavia who controlled some parts of

               D)  They set up Norse settlements and
                 governments in the British Isles.

               E)  They were the warriors who abandoned Europe
                 between the 9th and 11th centuries.

                                                       18                               Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.

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