P. 24



               to you.
                                                             A)  Our headmaster offered to drive one of my
                    o est       ou d  ave a read   ee  a  e to   students home after school as he felt unwell.
                 present these artworks to you without the
                 support of the municipality.                B)  One of my students received an offer to be
                                                                given a lift home for being considerate.
               B          t  t e  e   o  our  u     a  t  do  e
                 t e art sts   ave t e   a  e to  rese t t ese   C)  Our headmaster was so caring that he even
                 artworks to you.                               offered to drive one of my students home when
                                                                he became ill at school.
               C)  The municipality has never encouraged me
                   t  a  os t ve att tude  a d t at s       a    D)  One of my students was so considerate that he
                 here so late to present these artworks to you.  even offered to drive our headmaster home.

                                                             E)  Our headmaster’s offer to drive one of my
               D    e  t e art sts   ave t e o  ortu  t  to s o
                 you these works of art only because of the     students home was so considerate that they all
                 support of our municipality.                   felt grateful to him.

               E)  I must say that I would not have been able to
                 present these works of art to you without the
                 supportive attitude and encouragement of our
                 municipality.                                               -

                                                                  a      o   ua  t   rodu ts     t  r
                                                                 o e   or a  r e   er od o  t  e   et  t       ar
                                                                your business over time.

                                                             B    rodu      o   ost  oods  a   a e  o e
                                                                te  orar     t ou    t       ause da a e so e
                                                                time later.

                                                                     e  rodu       ea   te s   ou  a  ear  a
                                                                 ot o   o e    o ever  t      da a e  our   r

                                                             D)  Your business will be damaged in a short time
                                                                    ou   s st o   rodu      oor  ua  t   oods
                                                                your company in the long run.
                                                             E)  It’s easy to make money in a short time by
                                                                 rodu      o   ua  t   oods u  ess  ou ru  t e
                                                                business poorly.

                                                       23                               Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.

                        rta  ret   Ge e    d r       ret    ro ra  arı ve Ders   ta  arı Da re Ba  a  ı ı
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