P. 25



               A)  Several of the structures have crumbled or
                 begun to exhibit indications of decay in the forty
                  ears a ter t e res de ts  e t t e  s a d     s  te                                     ----
                 of the durability of the buildings.
                                                             A)  How do you expect me to express my thoughts
               B)  In spite of the structures’ durability and the   openly and honestly about my colleague?
                 de s t  o  t e r  a  s  a  ot  ave  a  e  or  e u
                 to exhibit indications of decay in the forty years   B)  I’ve known him for a long time. He has a history
                 since people evacuated the island.             of being untrustworthy.

                    s t e  o u at o  eva uated t e  s a d  a   o        Do  t  orr   s r.   t      e    re  a  e  as  o e
                 t e stru tures  re ard ess o  t e ro ust ess   out of fashion.
                 o  t e  u  d   s or t e t     ess o  t e r  a  s
                 have either completely collapsed or showed   D     rea    a  re  ate  ou as      e   ut    a  ot
                 signs of deterioration.                        say anything about him.

               D)  In the forty years after several of  the residents   E)  You need to do what is right for the people in
                 de arted t e  s a d  stru tures  ave  a  e  or   the office. It is best to ignore toxic people.
                  e a  to deter orate  des  te t e r dura    t
                 and strong walls.

               E)  Despite the structures’ strength and the walls’
                 t     ess  severa  o  t e   ave  o  a sed or
                 begun to deteriorate in the forty years when
                 some of the residents departed the island.

                                                             A)  You will continue to fail no matter how much
                                                                you study.

                                                             B)  You could have succeeded if you had accepted
                                                                my help.

                                                             C)  No problem! Things like this always happen in

                                                             D)  Never give up! It is still up to you to get the
                                                                scores you need.

                                                             E)  Do you realise how this decision will ruin your

                                                       24                               Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.

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