P. 26


                                      ----                                              S           ----
               A)  I didn’t enjoy it because I’m not a fan of scary   A)  Enough is enough! You don’t seem to like the
                 films.                                           a    ut   do.  et  e  at    t.
               B)  It was fantastic. I’m planning to see it again this   B)  Would you mind not talking? I cannot hear the
               C)  It was terrible because you didn’t accompany
                 me.                                         C)  I cannot believe that you totally ruined my
                                                                experience. Go out at once!
               D)  The leading actor is unquestionably deserving
                 of an award.                                D      e   our  ardo    ut   t      ou  ave to  ove
               E)  It certainly fell short of my hopes and      somewhere else at once.
                                                                   a   ere to  at   t e   a    ut u  ortu ate
                                                                 you make it impossible. Why don’t you go out?

               A)  The reason I am here is that I can no longer
                 tolerate my director’s disrespectful behaviour.

               B)  As far as I am concerned my director thinks he
                 is excellent. Maybe you could tell him he is not.

               C)  It is ridiculous. Being my director doesn’t give
                 him the right to criticise me harshly.

               D)  I really admire my director even though we
                 have poor communication.

               E)  I really find it hard to stand my director’s
                 criticism. I would appreciate it very much if you
                 do something about this.

                                                       25                               Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.

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