P. 27


                                                               S                        -
                    -                                        L

                                                                                        N     N
                                                             N                G          ----

                                                ---- T
                                                             A)  The release was the result of a collaborative
                                                                e  ort     o  ro  t   o  over  e ta   rou s.
                                                                 B)  Several volunteers from various countries
               A)  There is no evidence that Milanese people’s   worked together to make the release possible.
                 height hasn’t changed considerably over the
                  ast   000  ears  or  ot   e ders.          C)  The released spider monkeys will be observed
                                                                for six months by telemetric collars.
               B      ord    to resear    t e  e   t o     a ese
                 men and women has altered significantly over   D)  The majority of rescued monkeys were also
                 t e  ast   000  ears.                          saved after bad human interaction.

                      ord    to a stud    e t er  a e  or  e a e   E)  There was a remarkably successful
                 citizens of Milan have become much taller over   veterinarian in charge of this rescue operation.
                 t e  ast   000  ears.

               D)  Milan has had the tallest population of any
                 Italian city since 100 A.D.

                   Not o          a    ut a so    Toro to   eo  e
                 have distinct physical qualities.

                                                       26                               Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.

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