Page 10 - Preparation and Practice for YDT English
P. 10

Health & Fitness

                                                           9.   While aesthetic surgery is a surgical procedure
               7.  -  9.  sorularda,  verilen  cümleyi  uygun
                                                               that focuses on the remediation, renovation, or
               şekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.
                                                               modification of the human body, ----.
                                                               A)  it has been associated with a variety of
           7.      Besides the apparent harmful effects of        health benefits, including weight loss and
               unhealthy eating habits on physical health, ----.  improvement in an individual’s body image

               A)  there is also evidence to suggest that healthy   B)  it is important to note that not all plastic
                  eating habits can lead to better academic       surgery procedures are cosmetic in nature
                  achievement and cognitive functioning        C)  many people seek it out as a means of
               B)  healthy eating habits can be difficult to      enhancing their physical appearance and
                  maintain due to the high cost of nutritious food   self-confidence
                  and limited access to fresh produce in certain   D)  it is a controversial topic due to concerns about
                  areas                                           the pressure to conform to certain beauty
               C)  some people may experience shame and           standards
                  guilt associated with their unhealthy eating   E)  it is not typically covered by health insurance
                  habits, which can further exacerbate negative   unless it is deemed medically necessary
                  psychological effects
               D)  there are also social implications of poor
                  dietary choices, such as a higher risk of social
                  isolation and decreased quality of life
               E)  many people may turn to fad diets or quick-fix
                  solutions, which can have temporary results  OGM Öğretim Programları ve Ders Kitapları Daire Başkanlığı
                  but are not sustainable for long-term health

           8.   Wellness is frequently portrayed, advertised,
               and discussed in the media as something
               expensive and special; ----.
               A)  because as eating only organic food and hiring
                  a personal are expensive
               B)  however, it can be achieved through simple,
                  affordable lifestyle changes
               C)  although it is only accessible to the wealthy
                  and privileged

               D)  which is why many people avoid pursuing
                  wellness altogether
               E)  because wellness is a myth perpetuated by the
                  media for financial gain

                                                       10                            Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.
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