Page 14 - Preparation and Practice for YDT English
P. 14

Health & Fitness

            17.  Many elderly people are unsure about          19. - 21. sorularda, verilen durumda
                which exercise types are effective and safe;   söylenmiş olabilecek sözü bulunuz.
                however, any kind of movement is better than
                motionlessness.                            19.  You see your friend drinking energy drinks
                                                               while eating chips. You remember your friend
                A)  Although a lot of people are living a sedentary
                                                               telling you that he is going on a diet from now
                  life, it is known that senior adults are looking
                                                               on because he has had heart complications
                  for ways to increase their activity.
                                                               before. You realize that what he is consuming
                B)  Older people cannot devote their time to   is dangerous for his health, you give him
                  sports and activities as they are not sure   advice kindly by saying: ----
                  whether they may hurt themselves or not.
                                                               A)  I see what you are doing and it is absolutely
                C)  Elderly people are struggling with exercising
                                                                  unacceptable. Can you please stop eating?
                  on a daily basis and they acknowledge that
                                                               B)  Actually, energy drinks do not have any effect
                  they may hurt themselves.
                                                                  unless they are consumed for a long time.
                D)  Exercising is profoundly more important than
                                                         OGM Öğretim Programları ve Ders Kitapları Daire Başkanlığı
                                                               C)  I think energy drinks and chips are not the
                  stillness even though people don’t know how
                                                                  best things to eat. You should consider cutting
                  to exercise properly without injuries.
                                                                  down on them.
                E)  Actively moving is better than no movement
                                                               D)  If I were you, I would only be eating salads.
                  at all, but senior adults have trouble selecting
                                                                  You are not really thinking about your health,
                  safe and effectual exercise varieties.
                                                                  are you?
                                                               E)  The foods you eat should be carefully
                                                                  planned. You should consume your food at
                                                                  fixed times.

            18.  Vitamin A, which is evident in egg, milk and   20.  You and your classmates are doing exercises
                fish, helps regulate our immune system         in a physical education class and you notice
                besides keeping our skin and eyes fresh.       that many of your classmates are doing the
                                                               same exercises wrong repeatedly. Knowing
                A)  Egg, milk, and fish have a common ingredient
                                                               the importance of proper and correct exercise,
                  which is vitamin A, the healthiest vitamin.
                                                               you warn your classmates by saying: ----
                B)  Our immune system and general health are
                                                               A)  Certain exercises are more important than the
                  regulated by certain vitamins, especially
                                                                  others and we all should learn how to practice
                  vitamin A.
                C)  Vitamin A is a precious vitamin as it is useful
                                                               B)  Hey, this exercise is meant to be done slowly,
                  in terms of the immune system skin, and eye
                                                                  so please be careful. You may injure yourself.
                                                               C)  I know how to exercise because I have been
                D)  Egg, milk, and fish contain vitamin A which
                                                                  on a basketball team for 4 years. I know what I
                  improves our immune system and keeps our
                                                                  am talking about.
                  eyes and skin healthy.
                                                               D)  The teacher actually didn’t recommend this
                E)  Vitamin A is claimed to be the only vitamin in
                  egg, milk, and fish that protects our immune    type of exercise and told us to skip these.
                  system.                                      E)  I’m sorry that you didn’t have a chance to
                                                                  learn how to do this properly. You should
                                                                  consult a trainer.

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