Page 18 - Preparation and Practice for YDT English
P. 18
Health & Fitness
28. - 30. sorularda, verilen Türkçe cümleye 29. Egzersizin bağışıklık sistemine yaptığı etki,
anlamca en yakın İngilizce cümleyi bulunuz. egzersizin yoğunluğu, süresi, şiddeti gibi
birçok etkene bağlıdır ve orta dereceye
28. Nöronlar ve merkezi sinir sisteminden oluşan kadar yapılan egzersizler bağışıklık sistemini
sinir sistemi veya sinir ağı, vücudun ve güçlendirir.
organların düzenli çalışmasını sağlayan hayati A) Exercise has an effect on the immune system
organ sistemine verilen addır. and this effect is determined by the factors
A) Nervous system or the plexus, is a critical such as intensity, duration, and extremity of
system composed of neurons and central the exercise and moderate exercises improve
nervous system which helps the body and the immune system.
organs work properly. B) The effect that exercise has on the immune
system is determined by many factors such
B) Nervous system or the plexus, composed
as the intensity, duration, and severity of
of neurons and the central nervous system,
the exercise, and exercises that are up to
is the name given to a critical structure that
moderate intensity strengthen the immune
makes the body and organs work properly.
C) Neurons and the central nervous system make
C) Exercises that are up to moderate intensity
up the nervous system or the plexus, which is
help develop the immune system and the
the critical organ system that helps the organs
immune system quality is determined by the
and body work in balance.
intensity, time, and severity of exercises that
D) The body and organs function properly
are done.
because of a critical organ system composed
D) The effect of exercise regulates the immune
of neurons and the central nervous system OGM Öğretim Programları ve Ders Kitapları Daire Başkanlığı
system and exercises that are up to moderate
which is called the nervous system or the
intensity strengthen the immune system
because of their intensity, duration, and
E) The crucial organ system that is called the
nervous system contains the central nervous
system and neurons which keep the body and E) The immune system is affected by many
organs operating properly. factors like the exercise intensity, duration,
and severity, and exercises that are light to
moderate make the immune system stronger.
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