Page 16 - Preparation and Practice for YDT English
P. 16

Health & Fitness

            23.  Yoga is a form of mind-body exercise      24.  Italian cuisine has been praised for its health
                that has gained popularity as a therapy to     benefits due to its focus on fresh ingredients
                maintain wellness and alleviate various        and simple yet flavorful preparations. The
                health problems and ailments. ---- Research    Mediterranean diet, of which Italian cuisine is
                suggests that practicing yoga can create a     a major contributor, has been shown to have
                greater sense of well-being, increase feelings   a range of health benefits, such as reducing
                of relaxation, improve self-confidence and     the risk of heart disease, stroke, and some
                body image, enhance efficiency, promote        types of cancer. Italian dishes often include
                better interpersonal relationships, increase   plenty of vegetables, legumes, whole grains,
                attentiveness, decrease irritability, and      and lean proteins, while limiting processed
                encourage an optimistic outlook on life. In    foods, red meat, and added sugars. Olive
                this way, yoga offers a holistic approach to   oil, a staple in Italian cooking, is rich in
                healthcare that can improve both physical and   monounsaturated fats and has been linked to
                mental health.                                 improved heart health. ---- Additionally, the
                                                               emphasis on communal dining and savoring
                A)  While yoga originated in ancient India, it has   meals slowly can contribute to a more mindful
                  now become a popular form of exercise and    and enjoyable eating experience, leading to
                  relaxation worldwide.
                                                               improved overall well-being.
                B)  There are many different types of yoga, from
                                                               A)  Italian cuisine is known for its regional
                  gentle, restorative practices to more vigorous
                                                                  diversity, with each region boasting its own
                  and challenging styles.
                                                                  distinct culinary traditions and specialties.
                C)  It can be used as a complementary or
                                                               B)  Italian cuisine is also rich in antioxidants,
                  alternative method to medical therapy in the
                                                                  vitamins, and minerals, which support a
                  treatment of stress, anxiety, depression, and  OGM Öğretim Programları ve Ders Kitapları Daire Başkanlığı
                                                                  healthy immune system and overall wellness.
                  other mood disorders.
                                                               C)  Italian cuisine also includes a wide range of
                D)  Regular yoga practice can improve flexibility,
                                                                  delicious seafood dishes, thanks to Italy’s long
                  balance, and strength while reducing stress
                                                                  coastline and proximity to the Mediterranean
                  and anxiety.
                E)  Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced
                                                               D)  Pasta is a staple of Italian cuisine and is
                  practitioner, there are many different types of
                                                                  typically made from durum wheat flour and
                  yoga classes and styles available to suit your
                                                                  depending on the serving size and type of
                  needs and preferences.
                                                                  pasta, calorie content can vary.
                                                               E)  The Italian tradition of aperitivo, where drinks
                                                                  and small bites are enjoyed before dinner, is a
                                                                  beloved cultural ritual.

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