Page 19 - Preparation and Practice for YDT English
P. 19

Health & Fitness

           30.  Günün ilk ve en önemli öğünü olan kahvaltıyı   32.  (I) By consuming fewer calories than your body
               göz ardı etmemek, sağlıklı beslenmek için       uses through everyday activity and exercise, you
               yapılması gerekenlerin arasında en başta gelir.   can lose weight by creating a calorie deficit. (II) A
                                                               common rule of thumb is that a calorie deficit of
               A)  Not ignoring breakfast, which is the first and
                                                               500 to 1000 per day can lead to a weekly weight
                  most important meal of the day, is one of the
                                                               loss of 1 to 2 pounds each week. (III) For advice
                  most important things to do in order to eat
                                                               on calculating your specific calorie requirements
                                                               for weight loss, speak with a licensed nutritionist.
               B)  Skipping breakfast, which is the first and most   (IV) However, depending on a number of factors
                  important meal of the day, could have serious   such as age, gender, current weight, and degree
                  consequences.                                of activity, you may need to eat fewer calories than
               C)  If you want to start eating healthy, you should   you think to lose weight. (V) Remember that weight
                  start by having more nutritious breakfasts.  loss should be accomplished in a healthy and
                                                               long-lasting manner, with an emphasis on making
               D)  Not ignoring the first and most important meal
                                                               permanent lifestyle adjustments that advance
                                                         OGM Öğretim Programları ve Ders Kitapları Daire Başkanlığı
                  of the day, breakfast, is the first thing that
                                                               general health and well-being.
                  needs to be done in order to eat healthily.
               E)  In order to have a better and more effective       A) I            B) II             C) III          D) IV           E) V
                  lifestyle, you must have breakfast every day.

                                                           33.  (I) For maintaining good health, drinking water
              31. - 33. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla
                                                               is essential. (II) Considering water makes up
              okunduğunda parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü
                                                               approximately sixty percent of our bodies, it is
              bozan cümleyi bulunuz.
                                                               necessary for controlling our body temperature,
                                                               supplying nutrients and oxygen to our cells, and
           31.  A friend of mine told me about her new trick to lose   reducing waste. (III) Staying hydrated is proven
               weight recently. (I) Summer is upon us, so I really   to improve our mood, cognitive function, and
               want to be in shape before going on a vacation. (II)   even metabolism. (IV) Water can also help in
               The secret, she says, is to cut carbs out of your life   dissolving stools and prevent constipation, which is
               completely. (III) This means no bread, no pasta,   beneficial for our digestive system. (V) In addition
               and most importantly no cake which devastated   to protecting our joints and tissues by hydrating
               me since it is my favorite dessert. (IV) Anything   them, drinking enough water can lower our risk of
               else is permitted  to be consumed but without   developing kidney stones as well.
               overeating, of course. (V) I think I might give it a try
                                                               A) I            B) II             C) III          D) IV           E) V
               this month and let you know if it works.
               A) I            B) II             C) III          D) IV            E) V

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