Page 126 - İngilizce Sınıf İçi Değerlendirme
P. 126



                                                 DIAGNOSTIC TREE
                              WHO IS YOUR HERO / HEROINE IN YOUR FAMILY? WHY?

          Below is a diagnostic tree containing True (T) / False (F) statements about the text ‘Who’s your hero / heroine
          in your family? Why?’ If you think the given information is true, you should choose option (T); if you think it is
          false, you should choose option (F). You can reach one of eight exits by choosing True (T) / False (F) starting
          from statement 1.

          You will get 1 point for each appropriate choice (either T or F) until reaching the exit.

          The highest score you can get is 3.

          Who is your hero / heroine in your family? Why?

          My name’s Martha. I am a student at high school. Well, I have
          Down’s  syndrome.  Have  you  ever  heard  the  word  Down’s
          syndrome in your life? They say it happens because of a gene
          problem before birth. It leads to some physical and intellectual
          difficulties. Luckily, I can cope with those difficulties thanks to my
          parents. My parents are my real heroes. They always support
          me. I wouldn’t be a happy girl and study at high school if they
          didn’t support and guide me. They are so patient indeed. They
          spend most of their time with me, and I wish they had more time.
          However, they say they are pleased when they spend time with

                                                 1. Technological devices such as
                                                 1. A sight problem causes
                                                 electric cars, smart phones, and
                                                    Martha’s disability.
                                                cameras are all useless and a waste of
                                                money as people can do any job that
                                                     those devices do.
                                            T                           F

                         2. Since they may be used for
                       2. Martha’s father and mother
                       education and training, smartphones              3. Martha’s father and mother
                      can be highly helpful for personal and                 are her heroes.
                           are her heroes.
                             social growth.
                           T           F                                   T           F

           4. Social media is always addictive for  5. Because using social mediacan  6. Excessive use of digitaltechnology  7. Electric cars are gettingmore and
                                                                                       7. Martha has some
                                                              6. Martha can overcome
            4 Martha's family is impatient
                                     5. Martha’s family doesn’t
                                                                                       more popular since they are
            everyone as people want to checkit  have both positive and bad impacts,  is always good for children's mental  environmentally friendly and have
                   with her.
                                                            health because it helps themmake a
                                      we should use it responsibly.
            constantly without even realising it.  like spending time with her.  difficulties.  difficulties in life.
                                                                  lot of friends.         zeroemissions.
                T         F             T         F             T         F              T        F
             1  Exit     2 nd  Exit  3  Exit     4 th  Exit  5  Exit     6  Exit     7 th  Exit  8 th  Exit

                                                 1. Technological devices such as
                                                 1. A sight problem causes
                                                 electric cars, smart phones, and
                                                cameras are all useless and a waste of
                                                    Martha’s disability.
                                                money as people can do any job that
                                                     those devices do.
                                            T                           F

                         2. Since they may be used for
                       2. Martha’s father and mother
                       education and training, smartphones              3. Martha’s father and mother
                           are her heroes.
                      can be highly helpful for personal and                 are her heroes.
                             social growth.
                           T           F                                   T           F

                                                            6. Excessive use of digitaltechnology  7. Electric cars are gettingmore and
           4. Social media is always addictive for  have both positive and bad impacts,  is always good for children's mental  more popular since they are
                                     5. Because using social mediacan
                                                                                       7. Martha has some
            4 Martha's family is impatient
                                                              6. Martha can overcome
                                     5. Martha’s family doesn’t
            everyone as people want to checkit
                   with her.
                                                                                         difficulties in life.
            constantly without even realising it.  like spending time with her.  health because it helps themmake a  environmentally friendly and have
                                      we should use it responsibly.
                                                                  lot of friends.
                T         F             T         F             T         F              T        F
             1  Exit     2 nd  Exit  3  Exit     4 th  Exit  5  Exit     6  Exit     7 th  Exit  8 th  Exit
   121   122   123   124   125   126   127   128   129   130   131