Page 131 - İngilizce Sınıf İçi Değerlendirme
P. 131


                 IN-CLASS ASSESSMENT SAMPLE 17

              SUBJECT                  ENGLISH

              GRADE                    10

              THEME                    Modern Heroes and Heroines
                                       E10.9.W1. students will be able to write a paragraph imagining themselves as a
              LEARNING OUTCOME
                                       hero / heroine.

              COGNITIVE STAGE          Apply

              RECOMMENDED TIME         10 minutes

              ASSESSMENT TOOL          Word Association Test

              WHAT IS EXPECTED         Students are expected to remember the words / phrases to describe 'the characteristics
              FROM STUDENTS            of a hero / heroine' and write a paragraph imagining they are a 'hero / heroine'.

                                       Part 1
                                       Students will get 1 point for each word / phrase about 'hero / heroine'.

                                       e.g. bravery, superpower, intelligence, strength, justice, greatness, etc.

                                       Part 2
                                       The paragraph students have written is evaluated with the rating scale given. The
              ASSESSMENT               highest score a student can get is 30.

                                       Example Paragraph:

                                       I don’t have any superpowers, but with my bravery, intelligence, and strength,
                                       I fight for justice and protect those in need. I face challenges head-on and never
                                       give up, even when the odds seem impossible. As a hero, I inspire others to be
                                       their best selves and strive for greatness.

                                       If this assessment tool is used to determine students' readiness levels
                                       before the subject is taught, it is recommended to identify students' strengths
                                       and weaknesses based on their readiness levels and to plan the teaching process
                                       according to their needs.
                                       If this  tool is  used after the  instruction of  the course  as an evaluation
                                       method, the students who cannot remember enough words / phrases are advised
                                       to look at the words / phrases of the theme again. Besides, the teachers can get
                                       the answers from other students who are able to complete the activity correctly
                                       and make the students not having remembered enough words revise the words /
                                       phrases about heroes / heroines.

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