Page 161 - İngilizce Sınıf İçi Değerlendirme
P. 161



                                                    AUDIO SCRIPT
             Interviewer: Good evening, everyone! Today, we welcome one of the greatest tennis players of all time,
             Roger Federer. Hello, Roger! It is a great honour to host such an amazing player in our programme. You
             have been prolific throughout your career, but last week, you announced that you might end your career.
             What made you take this decision?
             Roger Federer: Well, as you know, the last three years have been difficult for me due to injuries and
             surgeries. I have put a lot of effort into being competitive again, but I am also aware of my body’s limitations
             and capabilities. In the past twenty-four years, I’ve played over one thousand and five hundred games, but
             now I have to decide whether to put an end to my sports career.
             Interviewer: Like most people, I would like to learn the beginning of your story. How did you start playing
             Roger Federer: Tennis was my childhood dream. I started playing tennis when I was six. Three years
             later, I took group lessons and then I started working with a coach at the age of ten.
             Interviewer: Do you remember your first match?
             Roger Federer: Of course! How can I forget? I played my first junior match in 1996 when I was fourteen,
             but my main achievement came later, in 1998, when I won both the boys’ singles and doubles finals at
             Wimbledon. I had become an ITF junior World Champion before I ended my career as a teenager.
             Interviewer: I think we can say that you are a natural talent! What about your senior years?
             Roger Federer: I had won my first grand slam title at the age of 21 at Wimbledon before I won the gold
             medal at the Olympics in 2008. In the 2012 Summer Olympics, I brought a silver medal to my country.
             Between 2004 and 2018, I won six singles titles at the Australian Open.
             Interviewer: I know that you love being with your family a lot. Was it hard to make time for your family
             through all these achievements?
             Roger Federer: Oh, actually, it was really hard! In 2009, our twin boys were born while I was training for
             the upcoming matches. I wanted to be with my family, but it was impossible because of my schedule that
             year. I missed out on many good things in my children’s lives. I had to sacrifice a lot; everything comes
             with a price.
             Interviewer: I guess you are right. Lastly, would you like to give any success tips for enthusiastic new
             Roger Federer: It’s crystal clear that success requires blood, sweat, and tears. They should work very
             hard and focus on what they are doing in the present. It’s important to see the good things that you have
             done. Don’t put yourself under unnecessary pressure. Even if things go wrong, try to stay positive and
             control your emotions. And never give up! Always pursue your dreams.
             Interviewer: Thank you for being with us, Roger.
             Roger Federer: My pleasure. Thanks for having me.

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