Page 23 - Summer School Book
P. 23

11 -12  GRADES (A2-A2+ LEVELS)

                     Themes            Learning Objectives                  Activities and Games for Learning Objectives
                                                                   Brainstorm a list of exciting or interesting experiences students want to have
                                                                   in the summer holiday. Students write these experiences on a blank Bingo
                                                                   board. On your signal, students mingle searching for someone who has the
                                                                   same summer plan. The first person with five initialed affirmatives in a row
                                                                   shouts ‘’Bingo’’.
                                                                   Oral Presentation

                                                                   Choose a trendy topic like metaverse, augmented reality in education,
                                                                   simulation classes, etc. Search them and search for extra information. Then
                                                                   decide if you are for or against it in terms of its use in education. Prepare a
                                                                   5-minute talk. Give each student an unusual photograph and ask him/her to
                                                                   create a story to go along with the photo. After students have planned their
                                                                   stories, have them share their pictures and their stories. Students invite their
                                                                   friends to an important meeting. Roleplay the situation with their classmates.
                                                                   Students organize a party and write invitation cards for the diplomats,
                                                                   celebrities, presidents, etc.

                                                                   Speaking Club
                     Join Us                                       Speaking Topics: How did my past shape me in who I am today? / What are
                                                                   10 life lessons you have learned so far? / What did I learn about myself in
                                                                   the last year? /What’s one thing in my life I have to let go off to reach my true
                                                                   potential/What’s a little thing I can change that will have a big impact?

                                                                   Suggested Activities in Games and Activities Book 11:

                                                                   Theme 7
                                                                   •  Explore It! (Activity 3, page 117)
                                                                   •  Cities Talk! (Activity 12, page 123)

                                                                   Suggested Activities in Games and Activities Book 12:
                                                                   Theme 6
                                                                   •  Requests in Places (Activity 1, page 130)
                                                                   •  Caption This (Activity 2, page 130)
                                                                   •  Request Prompter (Activity 6, page 132)
                                                                                                                                                    11 th -12 th  Grades

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