Page 25 - Summer School Book
P. 25

11 -12  GRADES (A2-A2+ LEVELS)

                     Themes            Learning Objectives                  Activities and Games for Learning Objectives

                                                                   Secret Word

                                                                   Students are given a random topic and a random word that is unrelated to the
                                                                   topic. The students must hide the word in a speech about the topic—they’re
                                                                   trying to make sure the other students can’t guess the secret word. The other
                                                                   students listen carefully to the speech and attempt to guess the secret word.
                                 1.  Students will be able to create and
                                   talk about a simple story.
                                                                   Impromptu Speaking
                                 2.  Students will be able to participate   Prepare a list of topics that students will be able to talk about. Split the class
                                   in an informal conversation,    into two teams, and have each student choose a number—that’s the order
                                   speculating on the things said by   they will go in. Each student will respond to a statement without preparation.
                                   their friends about their lives.  They must continue speaking for 45 seconds.

                                 3.  Students will be able to make an
                                   animated video about the theme   Island Activity
                        6          of friendship and strange and fun
                    Let’s Play     dialogues between friends.      Give each student a piece of paper and tell them to draw an item. Collect the   8 hours
                       with                                        drawings and pass them again; no student should receive their own drawing.
                    Language     4.  Students will be able to make a   Next, tell the students that they’ve been stranded on a desert island, and only
                                   presentation about unusual/odd   half of the class can survive and continue to inhabit the island. The only thing
                                   news stories.                   each student will have on the island is the item depicted in the drawing given
                                                                   to them, and their goal is to convince the class that they can survive based
                                 5.  Students will be able to make   on that item.
                                   suggestions about improving
                                   human rights.                   Two Truths

                                 6.  Students will be able to make   Each student should write three statements about themselves on a piece of
                                   complaints and offer solutions to   paper. Two of them should be true, and one should be a false statement. Stu-
                                   environmental /energy problems.  dents read their three statements, and their classmates question them to try
                                                                   to determine which statement is a false one.

                                                                   This is My Animated Video
                                                                   Tell students that they are going to create animated videos with a free appli-
                                                                   cation. Tell them that you expect them to create fun videos about the theme
                                                                   of friendship.

                                                                                                                                                    11 th -12 th  Grades

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