Page 127 - Grammar For YDT - 11
P. 127
6. Human beings ---- rainforests to such an extent that,
Verilen sorularda boş bırakılan yerlere uygun düşen
at the present rate of destruction, the last rainforest
sözcük veya ifadeyi bulunuz. ---- in twenty years’ time.
1. ---- use of computers in laboratories should be A) destroyed / is gone
increased to ensure that ---- more students will make
use of them. B) have been destroying / will be gone
C) had destroyed / was gone
A) Ø / Ø
D) will have destroyed / had been gone
B) A / the
E) are destroying / would be gone
C) An / the
D) The / a
E) The / Ø
2. Seeing that ---- could not travel by plane due to bad 7. Since the oil crisis of the 1970s in Japan, when
weather conditions, the air travellers sought to use energy-sufficient homes ---- popular, 10,000
---- modes of transport. underground houses ----.
A) they / other A) had become / will have been constructed
B) the ones / another B) were becoming / were constructed
C) ones / the others C) have become / had been constructed
D) one / others D) became / have been constructed
E) those / every other E) will have become / will be constructed
3. The company is in need of ---- who speaks Chinese 8. Lack of enough rainfall during the 1960s ---- rice
fluently for the conference and can accompany them production and therefore ---- people’s daily diets
---- they go during the trip. negatively in China.
A) anybody / nowhere A) was reducing / will affect
B) everyone / something B) had reduced / affects
C) no one / anywhere C) has been reducing / is affecting
D) someone / everywhere D) will reduce / will have affected
E) somebody / everything E) reduced / affected
4. Formal criticism, popular in recent years, occasionally 9. An officer who ---- journalists to the area safely ---- an
attempts to view ---- piece of art as ---- completed appropriate environment for them.
A) must transport / was providing
A) each / the B) should have transported / had been providing
B) either / Ø
C) had to transport / provided
C) every / a
D) could transport / will have provided
D) all / a
E) will be able to transport / has provided
E) both / Ø
5. Eventually, the new law ---- effect on Sunday, and it 10. Some individuals in the UK ---- that grain ---- on the
---- all citizens to renew their ID cards by the end of land where animals graze to feed more people in the
the year. future.
A) was taking / required A) have thought / must have been grown
B) takes / has required B) thought / can be grown
C) took / requires C) had thought / has to be grown
D) will take / has been requiring D) think / should be grown
E) had taken / was requiring E) will think / could have been grown