Page 129 - Grammar For YDT - 11
P. 129


                                                         6.   When Orville and Wilbur Wright ---- their Flyer plane
            Verilen sorularda boş bırakılan yerlere uygun düşen
                                                             for  the  first  time  in  history,  five  people  ----  to  have
            sözcük veya ifadeyi bulunuz.
                                                             witnessed this groundbreaking occasion.
        1.   Environmental  awareness  can  be  increased  if  an   A) had flown / had been said
            individual  shows  ----  highest  level  of  determination
            compared to ---- in society.                     B) were flying / are said
                                                             C) have flown / have been said
            A) a / the others
                                                             D) are flying / will be said
            B) Ø / another
            C) the / others                                  E) flew / were said
            D) Ø / each other
            E) the / the other

        2.   During  the  historic  1980  Wimbledon  final,  the    7.   According to popular belief, the colour blue ---- with
            ability-based  playstyles  of  both  players  and  ----   higher  energy  levels,  but  such  a  specific  view  ----
            ambitions displayed how ---- talent could influence   depending on cultural and individual factors.
            the result.
                                                             A) was associated / changed
            A) theirs / the
                                                             B) has been associated / had changed
            B) his / a
                                                             C) will be associated / has changed
            C) them / Ø
                                                             D) is associated / changes
            D) its / the
                                                             E) is going to be associated / was changing
            E) their / Ø

                                                         8.   Antarctica  ----  the  world’s  largest  desert  due  to  its
        3.   Only  applying  basic  rules  will  bring  us  ----  because
            sustainability requires a broad approach to connecting   low precipitation levels, but scientists ---- that it has
            ---- with nature.                                a vast network of underwater lakes and rivers.
            A) anything / themselves                         A) was considered / had found
            B) nowhere / ourselves                           B) is considered / have found
            C) everywhere / itself                           C) has been considered / are going to find
            D) somewhere / yourselves                        D) had been considered / will find
            E) everything / us                               E) will be considered / find

        4.   ----  is  so  impressive  to  observe  every  little  change   9.   As far as the latest reports are concerned, the thief
            throughout  your  baby’s  developmental  stages  that   ---- a practical method to bypass the security system,
            ---- parent should spend time with them as much as   and his actions ---- the security experts.
                                                             A) must have used / have terrified
            A) It / each
                                                             B) should have used / were terrifying
            B) He / every
                                                             C) may have used / are going to terrify
            C) She / both
                                                             D) was able to use / terrify
            D) This / either
                                                             E) had better use / had terrified
            E) That / a couple of

        5.   Growing  environmental  awareness  ----  to  the   10.  Despite  the  hard  conditions  and  limited  resources,
            development of renewable energy sources recently,   the wounded hiker ---- for days in the wilderness until
            but this shift ---- by industries at present.    the rescue team ----.
            A) contributed / has been embraced               A) had to survive / had arrived
            B) had contributed / was embraced                B) had better survive / has arrived
            C) has contributed / is being embraced           C) ought to have survived / arrives
            D) is contributing / had been embraced
                                                             D) could have survived / is arriving
            E) contributes / will have been embraced         E) managed to survive / arrived

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